Ott Pharmacotherapy of Anxiety Flashcards
Drugs that can cause anxiety
-Caffeine (high dose 800mg)
-Stimulants (ADHD meds)
What are the medications used to treat anxiety disorders?
-Herbal supplements
Buspirone mechanism of action
Serotonin (5HT)-1a receptor agonist
Buspirone approved indicated use
Generalized anxiety disorder
How long does it take buspirone to take effect?
3-4 weeks for initial effectiveness
Buspirone dosing
Should be dosed with a target of 10 mg - 15 mg three times daily (30 mg - 40 mg total/day)
BZD clinical pearls
-Many treatment guidelines do not support the use of BZDs in routine practice due to misuse potential, but the effect size for efficacy in anxiety disorders is higher than serotonergic antidepressants in some studies
-Long-term use is not recommended due to risk of dependence and tolerance
-Acute withdrawal of BZDs may lead to seizures that can be life-threatening (requires slow taper over weeks to months)
-Warnings for the use of BZDs with other CNS depressants and overdose death risk - specific warnings for co-prescribing with opioids
-May be inappropriate in the elderly
Which BZDs do not have an active metabolite?
-Less likely to accumulate but still have a fall risk
Which BZDs have a long-acting active metabolite?
BZD side effects
-Paradoxical excitement
-Swallowing difficulties
-Impairment of memory and recall
-Psychomotor impairment
When is hydroxyzine used?
-Hydroxyzine pamoate is FDA-approved for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (can also use HCl salt for lower 10 mg dose)
-“as needed” for anxiety or insomnia instead of a BZD
Hydroxyzine side effects
-Anticholinergic side effects
-QTc prolongation risk
-Avoid use in the elderly due to anticholinergic side effects and fall risk
What is propranolol used to treat?
-Decrease physiological symptoms of acute anxiety (tachycardia, sweating, flushing)
-Useful for performance and situational anxiety
How to dose propranolol
Low doses - 10 mg - 20 mg - three times daily or LA dosage form
Propranolol monitoring
Evaluate for history/current asthma and cardiovascular conditions
Natural products used for anxiety
-St. Johns wort
Kava side effects
-May cause platelet aggregation
-May aggravate symptoms of Parkinsons disease
St. Johns wort clinical pearls
-Likely a mild MAO inhibitor
-Can increase the chance of serotonin syndrome
-Commonly used for anxiety and depression
-Strong 3A4 inducer
-Watch for drug interactions
Valerian clinical pearls
-May have properties similar to BZDs
-Avoid use in pregnancy
-Reports of hepatotoxicity
Passionflower clinical pearls
-May cause dizziness, ataxia, confusion
-Avoid use in pregnancy due to uterine stimulation and induction of early labor
Chamomile clinical pearls
-Avoid with blood thinners and ragweed allergy
Lavender clinical pearls
-Decrease blood pressure
-Increased appetite
Lemon balm clinical pearls
GI upset
When can gabapentinoids be used?
May be considered in patients with bipolar disorder who has anxiety symptoms or comorbid neuropathic pain
Use of quetiapine in anxiety
-The active metabolite is theorized to have anxiolytic properties
-Evidence base is limited for anxiety and sleep medicine does not endorse the use of quetiapine for insomnia
What is first-line therapy for all anxiety disorders?
-SSRIs and SNRIs
-Buspirone can also be used first-line for generalized anxiety disorder
Where is BZDs place in anxiety treatment?
-They are FDA-approved to treat anxiety disorders
-Treatment guidelines suggest only using them if necessary
When to use atypical antipsychotics
-Not FDA-approved
-Clinical evidence suggests efficacy for treatment-resistant OCD (aripiprazole and risperidone)
Definition of generalized anxiety disorder
Excessive anxiety/worry present for at least 6 months
Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder
-Restlessness/feeling keyed up or on edge
-Being easily fatigued
-Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
-Muscle tension
-Sleep disturbances
First-line treatment for generalized anxiety disorder
-All drugs are equally as effective so pick best drug for patient
How long does it take to see initial onset of symptom relief for SSRIs?
2-4 weeks
When are SNRIs useful as first-line?
If patient also has a pain syndrome
When are BZDs used in generalized anxiety disorder?
-“Bridge therapy” to cover time until onset of SSRI/SNRI, where appropriate
-MUST taper if the patient has been taking long-term treatment to avoid withdrawal
When can hydroxyzine be used for the treatment of GAD?
As needed
What are the medications that are used to treat GAD?
-SSRI antidepressants
-SNRI antidepressants
What is social anxiety disorder?
-Persistent fear about social and/or performance situations in which the patient fears embarrassment or humiliation that is unreasonable
-Specific situations may be avoided in a manner that interferes with a patient’s normal routine
-Duration of symptoms is at least 6 months
Which medications are used for the treatment of social anxiety disorder?
What is first-line treatment for SAD?
SSRIs (paroxetine and sertraline are FDA-approved)
When are SNRIs recommended for patients with SAD?
Useful when SSRIs fail (Venlafaxine is FDA approved)
When are beta-blockers used in SAD?
Non-generalized, performance-related SAD
Definition of panic disorder
-Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks
-Abrupt surge of intense fear or discomfort
-At least 4 physical and psychological symptoms, including sweating, palpitations, nausea, dizziness, fear of losing control, “going crazy”, or dying
-At least one attack has been followed by one month or more of at least one of the following: persistent concern about additional attacks, significant maladaptive change in behavior related to the attacks
Which medications are recommended for the treatment of panic disorders?
-SNRIs (venlafaxine is FDA approved)
Which medication is first-line treatment for panic disorder?
When are BZDs used for treatment of panic disorder?
BZDs should not be considered first-line maintenance therapy unless there is inadequate response to serotonergic drugs
Definition of obsessive-compulsive disorder
-Obsessions: recurrent thoughts or images that are intrusive or cause anxiety; patients attempt to ignore, suppress, or neutralize with other thoughts or actions
-Compulsions: repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed in response to obsession; aimed at reducing or preventing distress; not always connected in a realistic way to the fear
Drugs used to treat OCD
-Clomipramine (TCA)
What is considered first-line treatment of OCD?
What is considered second-line treatment for OCD?
When would antipsychotics be used for treatment of OCD?
Considered as augmentation therapy with SSRIs/SNRIs
Which antipsychotics have the best data for use with OCD?
How much can SSRIs reduce symptoms of OCD?
Definition of posttraumatic stress disorder
Exposure to real or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence (either victim, witness, discovery, exposure to details of traumatic event)
Symptoms of PTSD
-Avoidance of stimuli associated with the event
-Hypervigilance (exaggerated startle response)
-Negative alterations in mood or cognition
How to treat PTSD
-CBT/eye movement desensitization/reprocessing
What is first-line treatment for PTSD?
SSRIs/SNRIs (only class of drugs FDA approved for PTSD)
What can be used to help induce sleep/get rid of nightmares in patients with PTSD?
Which class of medications is NOT recommended in the treatment of PTSD?
What is a common comorbidity of PTSD?
Substance use
Issues associated with SSRI/SNRI use
-Jitteriness syndrome (initial doses should be lower than that used for depression to prevent this)
-Onset of action is 2-4 weeks
Issues associated with BZDs
-Evaluate severity of anxiety disorder impact on functionality before considering using bridge therapy
-Abrupt dc can be life-threatening
Non-pharmacologic treatment of anxiety disorders
-Psychotherapy and CBT
-In PTSD - drug therapy is more effective in civilian trauma vs combat trauma, so non-drug treatments are especially useful