OTS FINAL Flashcards
Name the furniture inside of the Tabernacle
- Altar of Burnt Offering
- Laver of Water
- Table of Shewbread
- Golden Candlesticks
- Altar of Incense
- Veil
- Ark of Covenant
- (Mercy Seat)
What is the importance of Genesis 1-11?
It represents approximately the first half of the world’s history after the fall of man. It also tells of the origins of the universe, solar system, and world systems.
Antediluvian vs. Postdiluvian
Antediluvian world was the world before the flood, and the postdiluvian world is after the flood.
The locations of the Tabernacle of God through the stages
During the Exodus stage the tabernacle is built, but during the conquest stage the tabernacle is set up in Shiloh
The Cycle of the Judges
- Rebellion
- Punishment
- Misery
- Deliverance
The Results of King David’s Sins:
- the death of his infant son
- the rape of Tamar, his daughter by Ammon his son
- The murder of Amnon by half brother Absalom
- Absalom’s rebellion against his father’s own throne
- All in 4 people die including Uriah, as a result of this sin
The Sin of Jeroboam:
Jeroboam changed the worship God had commanded under the Law of Moses. Creates the 2 golden calves (Bethel and Dan), copy-cats the feast, and made up his own religion
The Nine Stages of the OT:
- creation stage
- patriarchal stage
- exodus stage
- conquest stage
- judges stage
- United Kingdom stage
- Divided Kingdom stage
- captivity stage
- return stage
How old was Abraham when his name was changed?
How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born?
Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 91
List in order the 39 books of the OT:
List the 4 Patriarchs:
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph
List the 4 main divisions of the OT:
Pentateuch, Historical, Poetic, and Prophetic
List the 7-fold promise of God to Abraham:
- I will make of thee a great nation,
- I will bless thee,
- I will make thy name great,
- thou shalt be a blessing,
- I will bless them that bless thee,
- I will curse them that curse thee,
- in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed
What are the 1st things Abraham does when he arrives in Canaan?
Meets Melchizedek, purchases land, and builds an altar
What were the 4 first events of his meeting with Melchizedek?
The first communion (bread and wine), first mention of Holy City (Salem), first mention of priest, first example of tithing
What were the 7 consequences of leaving Caanan?
- He grieved God
- He weakened his own faith
- He weakened the faith of Sarai his wife
- He became a poor testimony to his nephew Lot
- He caused Pharaoh to be afflicted
- he picked up Hagar the Egyptian
- and he provided a bad example for his own son Isaac
Where were Abraham and Sarah buried at their deaths?
Cave of Machpelah
Why did Abraham leave Canaan?
The 10 Commandments:
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me
- Thou shalt not make any graven image
- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
- Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
- Honor thy father and thy mother
- Thou shalt not kill
- Thou shalt not commit adultery
- Thou shalt not steal
- Thou shalt not bear false witness
- Thou shalt not covet