OTR-524 Midterm Flashcards
Why was the Occupational Therapy Practice
Framework developed?
Was developed to more clearly articulate and
enhance the understanding of what OTs do
What us the Occupational Therapy Practice
Framework focus for an OT?
The OT profession’s central focus and actions are grounded in the concept of occupation.
What is primary outcome of all OT intervention?
The primary outcome of all OT intervention
should be engagement in occupation.
OTs working in physical disabilities
practice settings use what model and approach?
Traditionally, OTs working in physical disabilities
practice settings used the medical model and a
reductionistic, bottom‐up approach.
By emphasizing the client and his or her goals,
the OTPF provides what type of approach?
By emphasizing the client and his or her goals,
the OTPF provides a client‐centered, or top‐
down approach.
Under the OTPF, the client is positioned as?
Under the OTPF, the client is positioned as a
collaborator with the OT at every step of the
OT process.
What are the areas of the OT domain that relate
to the client’s capabilities in performance of an occupation (as observed by the OT)?
The areas of the OT domain that relate
to the client’s capabilities in performance of an occupation (as observed by the OT) are performance
skills and performance patterns.
The three components of performance skills are:
The three components of performance skills are:
• Motor skills
• Process skills
• Communication/interaction skills
Types of performance patterns include?
Types of performance patterns include
habits, routines, and roles.
Activity demands are focused on?
Activity demands are focused on the activity and on what is required to engage in the activity.
Aspects of activity demands: (7)
- Aspects of activity demands:
- Objects and their properties
- Space demands
- Social demands
- Sequencing and timing
- Required actions
- Required body functions
- Required body structures
In OTPF, contexts are regarded as?
In OTPF, contexts are regarded as the circumstances or events that influence the client’s occupational performance and form the environment.
Name 6 contexts that influence the client’s occupational performance and form the environment.
- Culture
- Personal
- Physical
- Social
- Temporal
- Virtual
• Client factors include:
Client factors include: • Body functions • Body structures • Values • Beliefs • Spirituality
Recipients of inpatient treatment are referred to as ____, but in all other contexts, we will refer to a person receiving OT as a __.
Recipients of inpatient treatment are referred to as patients, but in all other contexts, we will refer to a person receiving OT as a client.
The evaluation process includes?
The evaluation process includes interpretation of the assessments and information collected to formulate client goals, plan and implement interventions, and monitor progress.
Describe Non‐standardized Assessment:
Non‐standardized Assessment:
• Do not follow standardized approach or protocol.
• Data is collected from observations or interviews,questionnaires and observations of performance.
Describe Standardized Assessment:
Standardized Assessment:
procedure, apparatus and scoring are fixed so that the same procedures are followed during each administration of the test; Protocol for administration is important as well as procedure for scoring, rules for interpretation, norms for performance and psychometric properties
In the OTPF, the OT process includes?
In the OTPF, the OT process includes evaluation, intervention, and outcome.
What are the OT Evaluation Process (Four steps)
Preparation to Meet Client
Interview Client
Transition to Evaluate Occupational Performance
For Step 1 Screening what are the 5 things to do?
Step 1: Screening • Review the referral • To determine the reasons for referral • Gather preliminary information • Review client’s medical chart and/or records • Communicate with health care team
Step 2: Preparation what are the 4 things to do?
Step 2: Preparation to Meet a Client
• Schedule of appointment (depend on settings)
• Make sure to have the necessary assessments and tools
• Be punctual
• Create a preliminary structure and set goals for the session
Step 3: Interview Client what are the 4 things to do?
Step 3: Interview Client
• Usually the interview is semi-structured or structured
• The primary goal of the initial interview is to know the client and create a rapport
• In this process, we learn client’s perspectives, values, beliefs, and experiences
• If client’s unable to communicate or has given permission, it may be appropriate to interview the client’s support network.
The Occupational Profile provides
The Occupational Profile provides
• Client’s Interests
• Client’s roles, habits, and motivations
• Client‐centered approach: What is important
and meaningful to the client?
• Client’s goals
Analysis of Occupational Performance
1-Synthesize information from the occupational profile
2- Observe clients performance in desired occupation/activity (natural settings if possible)
3- Select assessments to identify factors that may be influencing performance skills and patterns.
The OT Process
• In the OTPF, the OT process includes?
In the OTPF, the OT process includes evaluation, intervention, and outcome.
What is the intervention plan based on?
selected frames of referenced evidence of best practice
Name the Types of intervention approaches
Establish, Restore- to establish a skill that hasn’t been developed or restore one
Modify, Adapt, Compensate- to change the environment to enable participation in occupation
Create & Promote- does not assume a disability is present
Maintain- support a client to preserve his/her ability to avoid a decrease in function
Prevent- identify risks/barriers of engagement in occupations & provide support to avoid disruption of the client’s health
Type of intervention
Preparatory methods, purposeful activity, occupation-based interventions
Define clinical reasoning
Clinical Reasoning
Clinical reasoning to describe the process by which clinicians collect cues, process the information, come to an understanding of a patient problem or situation, plan and implement interventions, evaluate outcomes, and reflect on and learn from the process.
What does narrative reasoning encompass?
• Narrative reasoning encompasses procedural, interactive and conditional reasoning.
Define narrative reasoning
• It is the ability to tell client’s stories to see the client in his environment and in his social reality.
Within this type of clinical reasoning, therapy is ?
• Within this type of clinical reasoning, therapy is a micro-story in the client’s life story.
What does procedural reasoning focus on?
Procedural reasoning focuses on the impairment and how to fix it.
What is procedural reasoning a direct application?
It is the direct application of theoretical foundations according to a sequence of actions; 1) diagnosis, 2) prescription and 3) prognosis.
What do clinicians and students use procedural reasoning for?
Clinicians and students use this type of reasoning to decide which treatment intervention will help to increase functional performance.
Interactive reasoning concentrates on?
Interactive Reasoning
• Interactive reasoning concentrates on the person instead of the impairment.
For interactive reasoning one must know?
One must know the client as an individual to perceive the impairment from his point of view.
What does interactive reasoning require?
• Interactive reasoning requires collaborative goal setting and a common action language.
What does conditional reasoning require? What does it anticipate?
Conditional Reasoning
• Conditional reasoning requires clinical experience.
• It anticipates a client’s future status.
What is conditional reasoning essential for?
• This type of reasoning is essential for establishing long-term goals and prognosis.
What does conditional reasoning reflect?
• It is a reflection on past successes and failures obtained though procedural and interactive reasoning approaches.
What does pragmatic reasoning take into account? What does the clinician consider?
Pragmatic Reasoning
• Pragmatic reasoning takes into consideration everything in and around the therapeutic situation.
• The clinician considers the work environment, his own knowledge, abilities, competencies, and values and the client’s social and financial resources
Ethical reasoning ensure that a therapist?
Ethical Reasoning
• Involve clinical reasoning that ensure that a therapist:
-Fully informs the recipient of his or her service about the nature, risk, and potential outcomes of
any intervention.
-Perform his or her duties on the basis of accurate and current information
What at the factors that affect the environment in which OT intervention occurs?
• The environment in which OT intervention occurs • Factors • Government regulations • Economics • Critical pathways and clinical protocols • Range of services • Traditions and cultures of staff
Name practice settings
Practice Settings -Inpatient Acute hospital Acute rehabilitation Sub-acute rehabilitation Skilled nursing -Outpatient -Home health
What is the Purposes of Documentation?
• Provides a permanent record of what occurred with the client • Is a legal document • Necessary for reimbursement • AOTA documentation guidelines • Required whenever OT services are performed
Name the three specifics of an intervention plan
- Problem list
- Recommendations or referrals to others
- Goals should be established
• Must be measurable and directly
related to the client’s ability to engage in desired occupations
• Discharge goal is the overall functional
goal or long-term goal
Goal directions can be summarized as?
Goal directions can be summarized as restorative, habilitative, maintenance, modification, preventive, and health promotion.
• Significance (Is it significant and meaningful to the client?) • Measurable (Can the outcome be objectively measured?) • Achievable within time frame • Related (STG, LTG, and occupational needs) • Time-limited
What is the rhumba test?
• Is the information Relevant? • How long will it take? • Is the information Understandable? • Is the information Measurable? • Is the information Behavioral (describes behaviors)? • Is the outcome Achievable (realistic)?
Type of report for eval
Eval/Screening report
Reevaluation Report
Type of intervention report
Intervention Plan
Occupational Therapy service contacts
Progress Report
Transition Plan
Type of outcome report
Discharge/discontinuos report