Other vascular disorders Flashcards
What are the two main types of telangiectasia?
Primary and Secondary
What are the 6 main primary types of telangiectasia?
Spider, Hereditary benign, angioma serpiginosum, unilateral nevoid telangiectasia, generalized essential telangiectasia, cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy
What are the main types of secondary telangiectasia?
-Photodamage post-radiation, telangiectatic rosacea, involuted hemangioma, estrogen-related (liver dz, pregnancy, hormone replacement tx, OCP’s), corticosteroid use, AICTD ( CREST), HIV (chest), TMEP (mastocytosis), carcinoid, and drugs (CCB’s –> telangiectasias on sun-exposed areas)
Genoderms associated with telangiectasia?
CMTC, HHT, A-T, K-T syndrome, Rombo, Bloom, Rothmund-Thomson, dyskeratosis congenita, XP, Goltz (within Blaschko’s lines), prolidase deficiency, and hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia syndrome
What is angioma serpiginosum?
Usually occurs in women <20 y/o
Pinpoint punctate blanching red-purple petechiae in clusters/patches in a serpiginous pattern typically on one extremity
What is unilateral nevoid telangiectasia?
Telangiectasias in the trigeminal/upper cervical dermatomes and can be in Blashko’s lines
Can be related to increased estrogen
What is generalized essential telangiectasia?
Typically in adult women
Starts on the lower extremities and spreads to other larger areas
What is cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy?
Large anatomic areas and does not have a tendency to affect women
- Look for diffuse, asymptomatic, blanchable, dusky red macular telangiectasias symmetrically spread on the legs
- Can progressively spread to trunk and other extremities
Histology of cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy?
Ectatic dermal vessels w/ thick hyalinized BMZ surrounding vessels (these stain + for PAS and are made up of Type IV collagen)
What is erythromelalgia?
Red, painful/burning edematous, condition w/ a sensation of heat that usually occurs on the distal extremities (often the lower extremities/feet)
What are most cases of erythromelalgia associated with?
Small fiber neuropathy
What things usually make erythromelalgia worse?
Activity, heat
What things make erythromelalgia feel better?
Cooling, classically pt’s describe putting their feet in cold water
What is type I erythromelalgia?
Occurs in the setting of thrombocythemia and can lead to ischemic necrosis
What is type III erythromelalgia?
Occurs w/ an underlying condition (that is NOT thrombocythemia)