Other Trees Flashcards
Utah State Tree, Rounded Base leaves, 3-6” long and 3-4” wide leaves Bark: smooth; green-white to cream colored; becomes furrowed on older trunks. White powder come from the trunk
Quaking Aspen
Heart Shaped Leaves, Pink Flowers, small leaves, rounded tips Bark: gray smooth
California or western Redbud
Curl Like Seeds, hairy seeds, thin leaves, .5-1” long leaves, leathery leaf Bark: Thick; red brown; very firm; furrowed
Curl-leaf Mountain Mohogany
Thin Leaves, 2-4” long, white edible flowers, dark leaves and pale underside Bark:On young stems smooth red- brown; on other stems turning gray-black and remaining fairly smooth with obvious lenticels that do not extend horizontally like many other prunus species
Common Choke Cherry
Opposite Leaf Structure, Linear, 6-12” long, .5” wide or less Bark:Brown; scaly
Desert Willow
Dark Shiny Leaves, 1-1.5” long leaves, sharp pointed leafs, has red berries, has white flowers Bark: Shiny Gray-green to brown-green, thin; many lenticels
Greene Mountain Ash
Broadly Ovate, 1-3” long and 1-2” wide leaves, Obvious net like veins Bark: Thick, red-brown to gray-brown; smooth when young; develops short ridges somewhat like common hackberry when older
Netleaf Hackberry
Oblong Leaves, slivery Green Color Leaves, silvery Green Branches, circle olive looking seeds Bark: Gray Brown; shallow furrows with narrow plates between
Russian Olives
Oval or round Shape, 1-2” long leaves, serate Margain, Dark Green above pale underneath Bark: Think; brown to gray; smooth
Saskatoon or western service berry
1-3” long to 1” wide, singly serrate margin, twigs have no terminal bud Bark: gray; rough; with shallow furrows and long, flat ridges
Siberian Elm
Ovate to oblong leaves, 2-4” long, sometimes slightly lobed, doubly serrate. Bark: thin; smooth; brownish-red
Thinleaf Alder
Dark Green, Slightly Hairy, Red-purple berries, 1” leaf Length, Coarsely toothed upper half. Bark: Ash-gray and brown striped, smooth when young, rough and furrowed later
Utah Service Berry
Red bark, 1-2” long, .75-1.5” wide, doubly serrate, dark green above light yellow green underneath Bark: thin; smooth but broken by distinct, long, horizontal lenticels; dark, shiny reddish-brown to almost purple; very characteristic.
Water Birch