Other transaction cycle Flashcards
Purpose of reviewing renewal of note payable right after BS date
Understandability and classification
Proper amount of depreciation are expensed
Valuation, allocation and accuracy
In auditing long terms bonds payable
Compare interest expense with bonds payable for reasonables
It performing test conserning granting of stock option
Trace to autorization of board of directors
Are there restrictions on retained earnings from loans, lows
Classificaton and understandability
When company’s stock maintained by agent of register auditor obtaines confirmation
Number of shares issued and outstanding
Auditors programme of examing long term debt
Examinig bond trust indenturies
Auditor’s plan to examine long term debt would include
Correlating interest expense with outstanding debt
Auditor would include in questionnaire of notes payable
Direct borrowings on notes payable authorized by board of directors
Auditing PPE which test supports exstense and occurence
Vouch a sample of purchase to invoice and report
Auditor planning test of details on client’s debt transaction what test he would performe
Review board minutes for evidence of new agreements
To test valuation assertion related to stockholder’s equity
Analyze retaining earnings account
Auditing PPE Auditor reviews notes to check f depreciation method and useful life are properly disclosed
Vouching stock related transactions to board minutes
Existence and occurrence
In testing PPE Auditor examines new additions listed on an analysis. This procedure is to obtain evidence concerning management’s assertion of
Auditors purpose in reviewing the renewal of a note payable shortly after the BS date is to obtain evidence conserving
Understandability and classification
In auditing long term bonds payable auditor most likely would
Compare interest expense with bond payable amount for reasonabless
In determining the effectiveness of entities internal control relating to the occurrence assertion for payroll transactions, an auditor most likely would inquire about and
Observe the segregation of duties concerning personel responsibilities and patrol disbursement
When there are numerouse PPE transactions and auditor assess control risk at low level usually performs
Test of controls and limited test of current year PPE
An auditor’s program to examine long term debt should include steps that require
Examining bond trust indentures
Which question would auditor include on internal control questionnaire for notes payable?
Are direct borrowing on notes payable authorized by the board of director?
Property acquisitions that are missclassified as maintenance expense would most likely be deted:
Investigation of variances within formal budgeting system
In order to test valuation assertion related to the clients stockholders equity, the auditor may complete which of the following procedures:
Analyze the clients retained earnings account by reviewing propriety of direct entries
While auditing PPE Auditor reviews the notes to FS to determine if the depreciation methods and estimated useful life are disclosed. What assertion?