Other sources of energy Flashcards
What are the main energy sources?
coal, hydro(hydro electrics), nuclear, oil and gases
What is one disadvantage that coal, oils and gases have In common?
having limiting supplies(non-renewable)
What are traditional energy sources called?
Fossil fuels.
How are traditional energy sources used to make energy?
They burned the any type of fossil fuel(gas, oil and coal) and produces heat. This heat is then used to turn water into heat which turns the turbines and rotate the generator.
What are the disadvantages of nuclear and hydro(hydro electrical?)
All do hydro is clean and renewable. You will need to have a mountain and dams to store a lot of water.
Whilst nuclear doesn’t produce any green houses but has over problems like what to do with the waste of material.
What are renewable energies?
Nuclear ,Hydro-electric ,Batteries and cells ,Solar power (thermal/photovoltaic), Wind energy, Wave energy,Micro-hydro, Ground source heat pumps And Combined heat and power (CHP) including micro-CHP
What are Batteries?
Batteries consist of multiple cells connected in series
What is the difference between a normal cell and a battery?
A normal cells has one whilst a battery has multiple
What is the EMF of a cell and a battery?
1.2 to 2v for cells and for battery it 6v connected in 3-4 series
What is the EMF of a car battery?
12v and have six lead acid of 2v in series.
What are the two types for battery?
Primary & secondary.
What is a primary battery source?
A primary battery source consists of a zinc plate potential caused by different materials. Applications of primary sources can include a torch light. The zinc decays over time which means It cannot be charged.
What is a secondary battery source?
Secondary sources can needs to be recharge to be used this means it can be reused for a long period of time but it slight more expense then zinc battery’s.
What is the disadvantage of using a battery?
Battery need to be constantly recharged in order to use it again and the store up is quite minor compared to a power station.
What are the two types of solar power?
Thermal & photovoltaic