Other Services/Miscellaneous Flashcards
What is the CloudFormation Service Role?
An IAM role that allows CloudFormation to create, update and delete stack resources on your behalf, or that can be used to give users to the power to create/update/delete CF resources without having the direct resource permissions
What is the purpose of Simple Email Service?
Send emails en masse to many people securely and at scale for transactional, marketing or bulk email communications
What AWS service would be used to create message templates, delivery schedules and full campaigns for marketing within the service itself?
Can Pinpoint receive replies?
Yes - they are sent to SNS/KDF/CW Logs
What AWS service can be used to start a secure shell on your EC2 instances and on-premises servers without having to open port 22?
SSM Session Manager
How does SSM Session Manager allow you to SSH in without opening port 22?
It goes through the installed SSM Agent to allow the connections in
Can AWS Cost Explorer visualise data across accounts?
What is AWS Amplify?
A web and mobile application development tool, similar to Elastic Beanstalk but for mobile apps
What is Amazon AppFlow?
An integration service that enables the secure transfer of data from SaaS applications and AWS e.g. from Salesforce
Does Amazon AppFlow pass through the Amazon private network or through the internet?
Encrypted through the public internet
What is the purpose of the AWS Resource Access Manager?
Used to securely share your resources across AWS accounts in your AWS organisation