Other senses Flashcards
Gustation (TASTE)
Taste is a chemical sense because a substance is what is detected (not just energy like in sight and hearing).
This is done through our taste buds.
Gustation (TASTE)
Taste buds regenerate
approximately every two weeks.
“Supertasters” are individuals with
more papillae (therefore, more taste
buds) on their tongues.
Traditional taste sensations consisted of 4 tastes…
Umami: An inherent savoriness. Described as brothy or meaty
Astringent: Puckers the mouth, numbs tongue, constricts throat – present in unripe bananas, pomegranates, cranberries, red meat, burnt/smoked food
Olfaction (Smell)
Like taste, smell is a chemical sense. Odorants (molecules of the object you are smelling) enter the
nasal cavity to stimulate 5 million receptors to sense smell. The olfactory epithelium is responsible for detecting odorants, and is at the roof of the nasal cavity about 7cm above & behind the nostrils. Human can detect about 10,000 odors
Olfaction (Smell)
1 = Olfactory bulb
2 = Mitral celss
3 = Bone
4 = Nasal epithelium
5 = Glumerulus
6 = Olfactory receptor cells
Olfactory receptors in the nasal
cavity regenerate approximately
once a month.
Smell and Memory
Notice where the hippocampus is.
Where’s the olfactory bulb?
Nice and close to where memories are made
Sensory Interaction
When one sense affects another sense, sensory interaction takes place.
The taste of fruit interacts with its smell and its texture on the tongue to produce the taste.