Other Racgp Flashcards
Easy bruising
Often follows viral infection in children
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Purpura
Usually acute in children, often chronic is adults
Immune mediated platelet destruction
Petichiae and bleeding - what tests to perform?
FBE - assess platelet numbers
Blood film to exclude leukaemia, aplastic anemia
Describe haemolytic uraemia syndrome
- Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
- acute renal failure
- thrombocytopenia
Usually follows GIT infection with shiva-toxin Ecoli but also others.
Symptoms - oliguria, haematuria, anaemia, oedema, renal failure, hypertension
Describe Henoch Schonlein Purpura
- Palpable Purpura
- Arthralgias, arthritis
- Abdominal pain
- renal involvement (haematuria, proteinuria/hypertension)
Suspect Henoch Schonlein PUrpura - what tests?
- urinalysis only if classic presentation
- If renal involvement - urine mcs, PCR and ECU and albumin
Memory loss, urinary incontinence, ataxic gait =
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
- decreased executive function
- Parkinsonism
- visual hallucinations
- confusion varies from day to day/hour to hour
Lewy body dementia
Memory loss
Challenges with planning/problem solving
difficulty completing familiar tasks
Alzheimer’s dementia
- change in behaviour/personality
- difficulty producing/comprehending language
Frontotemporal dementia
Vulval itch, white plaques, resorption of labia
Lichen sclerosus
What doe lichen sclerosus increase risk of
Which medication can be used for urge incontinence?
Causes of overflow incontinence (8)
- anticholinergic agents
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- DM
- MS
- spinal cord injuries
- fecal impaction
- prostatomegaly or pelvic mass
- usually occurs with post-void residual of >300ml
Non-drug management of urinary incontinence
- no caffeine
- limit fluid intake
- avoid drugs - diuretics, CCB, alpha blockers, antipsychotics, benzos, antidepressants
- treat constipation
- weight loss
- pelvic floor muscle training
Heaviness in eye with flashes and floaters
Posterior vitreous detachment