Other Pq Flashcards
6 examples of common veterinary legislations
- The single market
- International trade
- Reference laboratories
- Animal welfare
- Animal health certificates
- Animal breeding- zoo-sanitary rules
Official measures in the case of glanders
- Isolation, movement restrictions
- Official surveillance
- Diagnostic tests: ophthalmic or serology on SD or SC
- Samples from resp tract and pharynx (or whole caracass)
- Diseased: killed, slaughter is prohibited
- SD: slaughter is prohibited
- SC: may be slaughtered in the presence of OV, if
ophthalmic test is negative within 14 days - Disposal of carcasses (skin and hair)
- Strict disinfection
- Lifting restrictions: strict disinfection, no Equidae,
immunodiagnostic tests excluding infection
Lifting restrictions in the case of European foulbrood
- No colonies, strict disinfection
- Observation of 15 days
- If only colonies suspect of being diseased and labs ruled
out- without disinfection - If colonies suspect of contam: without disinfection after
- diseased
- suspect diseased
- Suspected of being infected
- infected flocks
⚫ Diseased animal typical clinical signs
⚫ Suspected of being diseased: non-typical clinical signs
⚫ Suspected of being infected: possible contamination with infected or suspected of being infected animals within 30 days before confirmation of the disease in the infected flock
⚫ Infected flock: there are diseased or suspected of being diseased animals in the flock
Suspected of being contaminated animals: glanders
– direct or indirect contact within 180 days with D or SD equidae
– no clinical signs but repeated immunodiagnostic test is inconclusive
(Vs eia; first same(kept with, 90d) but then no signs pos once, or two inconclusive 21d interval)
free pedigree or grand parent flock - fowl typhoid
⚫ all+ at the 2 tests <0.5%,
⚫ infected birds are eliminated
⚫ bacteriology of dead eggs and day-old chickens
Dead eggs - fowl typhoid
min. 2x in every production cycles:
<100 fowls: 20,
100-300 fowls: 50,
>300 fowls: 100 dead eggs
Fowl typhoid free parent and production flock:
⚫ the birds originate from free flock
⚫ all+ <1%,
⚫ infected birds are eliminated
⚫ bacteriology of dead eggs and day-old chickens
⚫ individual identification of hatching eggs
⚫ only eggs originating from fee flock may be hatched
When the presence of bluetongue is officially confirmed
the official veterinarian shall:
- proceed slaughter deemed necessary to prevent extension of the epidemic;
- order the destruction, elimination, incineration or burial of the carcases of those animals;
- extend the measures of official surveillance and movement restrictions to holdings located within a radius of 20 kilometres (including the protection zone) around the infected holding or holdings;
- implement vaccination programme or other, alternative measure;
- carry out an epidemiological survey.
Definition of HPAI
An infection of poultry or other captive birds caused by:
- avian influenza viruses of the subtypes H5 or H7 with genome sequences codifying for multiple basic amino acids at the cleavage site of the haemagglutinin molecule similar to that observed for other HPAI viruses, indicating that the haemagglutinin molecule can be cleaved by a host ubiquitous protease;
- OR avian influenza viruses with an intravenous pathogenicity index in six-week old chickens greater than 1.2;
Measures in the protection zone of ASF
Protection zone (restricted zone I.): a radius of at least 3 km.
Lifting restrictions: serological survey. Min 15 days
- census all holdings in zones
- ban on movement/tp of pigs in zones
- products, people and vehicles under movement restrictions
- no markets, fairs
- strict cleaning, disinfectiln, disinsectisation
small holding tescho:
⚫ all diseased and suspected of being diseased pig: killed on the spot
⚫ suspected of being contaminated: separate slaughter, heat treatment
Definition of a rabid animal
An animal in which unquestionable laboratory tests have confirmed rabies.
Protection zone: european foul brood
- 5 km:
no movement of colonies,
no exhibition,
treatment of all colonies. (Vs exam acar) - Wandering: from places not under restrictions + veterinary checks,
- authorization: district veterinary officer,
- 15 days observation (checks every 2 weeks). (Not in acar)
- “Escape” due to plant protection: to a place where there is no colonies,
- notification to the official veterinarian,
- back to the original place within 14 days.
American foul brood protection zone
5 km:
- no movement of colonies, no exhibition, examination of all colonies.
- Wandering:
from places not under restrictions + veterinary checks,
authorization: district veterinary officer.
60 days observation (checks every 2 weeks). - “Escape” due to plant protection: to a place where there is no colonies,
notification to the official veterinarian, back to the original place within 14 days
Single animal positive EBL
- positive animal, and it that us a cow, its offspring under 24m must be slaughtered aswell under official supervision
- all animals above 12m, tested neg 2x (4-12m interval) at least 4m after removal of last infected animal and progeny
- if calf was removed immediately after birth it doesnt have to be slaughtered, but must be tested at 24m
- epidemiological inquiry: all herds neg
Illegal experiments
In case of violation of the animal experimentation regulation
the LAEC is entiteled to immediately cancel the experiments
with simultaniously notification of the animal welfare authority
Food and agricultural organization duties
Achieving food security for all, regular access to enough high quality food to lead healthy active lives
- putting info within reach
- sharing policy expertise
- providing a meeting place for nations
- bringing knowledge to the field
Control of aujeszkys disease free status small scale holding
- all boars and sows yearly
- 5% of pigs over 4m
- AI center: test every 6m
Myx official measures
Movement restrictions: vax of healthy
Protection zone: exam of animals, obl vax of flock
D, SD: killing, disposal of meat and skin
- SD may be vaxed if authorized by district vet officer
S infected: may be slaughtered if authorized by district vet officer
Suspect diseased glanders
Non typical clinical signs but immunodiagn test inconclusive
Vs 2 inconclusive 21d interval or 1 positive EIA
When do we do immediate slaughter
Unweaned animals, injured, sick
4 freedoms of movement in eu
Capital (+ free flow of info)
Not fit for transport
- Unable to move independently without pain/cant walk unassisted
- severe open wound/prolapse
- pregnant females (90% or more of expected gestation has passed)
- those who gave birth in prev week
- newborn animals with unhealed navel (except equids, whos travelling for certain purposes)
- pigs < 3w old, lamb < 1w, calves <10d (unless its <100km)
- dogs, cats <8w without mother
- cervine animals in velvet (?)
Council of eu minister
- One minister from each eu country presidency rotates every 6m
- decides eu laws and budget together with parliament
- manages the common foreign and security policy
Incubation period FMD
IBR eradication measures
- classic selection method
- selection with marker vax
- generation shift
- herd replacement
In order to maintain IBR-virus free status in a vaccinated bovine herd:
- (a) all animals over 6 months of age must be tested every 12 months;
- (b) animals for slaughter must be tested before transport to the slaughterhouse;
- (c) in dairy herds, milk must be tested every 6 months;
- (d) aborted animals must be tested 3-6 weeks after their abortion;
- AND (e) all animals introduced to the herd may only come from officially IBR-free herds or
have tested negative in two serological tests at an interval of 21 days.
Suspect diseased eia
Non-typical signs but 2 inconclusive with 21d interval or 1 positive
(Suspect contaminated eia similar but also the 90d thing and NO signs)