Other peace treaties Flashcards
Features in common with the ToV
- war guilt clause
- payment of reparations
- reduction of armaments
acceptance of the covenant of LoN
how many other treaties were there? (except ToV)
When was the Treaty of Saint Germain
10 Sept 1919
When was the Treaty of Neuilly
27 Nov 1919
When was the Treaty of Trianon
4 June 1920
When was the Treaty of Lausanne
24 July 1923
When was the Treaty of Sevres
10 Aug 1920
Who did the T of Neuilly deal with
Who did the T of St Germain deal with
Who did the T of Trianon deal with
Who did the T of Sevres deal with
Who did the T of Lausanne deal with
T of St Germain: things they had to accept (4)
- break up of Autro-Hungarian Emp
- Independence of Hungary, Czech, Yugoslavia, Poland etc
- Transfer of former Emp territory to:
→ Czech, Poland, Yugoslv, Italy & Romania - Union between Austria and Germany is FORBIDDEN
T of Trianon: things they had to accept (3)
- Breakup of Austro-Hungarian Emp
- Independence of Yugoslavia & Czech
- Transfer of the former Emp territory to:
→ Czech, Yugoslv, Romania
T of Neuilly: things they had to accept (2)
- Independence of Yugoslavia
- Loss of territory to:
→ Greece, Yugoslavia, Romania
T of Sevres: things they had to accept (3)
- Independence of their Kingdom of Hejaz & Armenia
- Lose its provinces in the middle east to B & F
- The Dardanelles Strait
= became an international waterway
T of Lausanne: things they had to accept (5)
- Confirm the loss of its provinces in the middle east
- Received back most of its European countries
- Dardanelles Strait returned
- Restrictions on arm forces REMOVED
- didn’t have to pay reparations
T of St Germain: results (3)
- Austria was now LANDLOCKED
→ surrounded by 3 hostile states - 3 million Sudeten Germans now under Czech rule
- was seen as a violation of the principe of SELF-DETERMINATION
T of Trianon: results (2)
- lost 1/3 of its pop
- became a landlocked nation
T of Neuilly: results (3)
- saw the T as a national catastrophe
- blew its national pride
- had to face an uncertain future
T of Sevres: results
- led by Mustapha Kemal who rejected the terms & challenged it by FORCE
= terms then had to be re-negociated
T of Lausanne: results
much better