Other Non-Science Flashcards
What are the recommendations for physical activity for:
- An infant (<1 year)
- 1-4 years old
- 5-21 years old
- An infant (<1 year)
- Tummy time: 30s-1min, 5-7x/day
- 1-4 years old
- 3h of play/day
- 5-21 years old
- 1h physical activity/day
What hospital-community initiatives are required by law for non-profit hospital? (2)
Community Health Needs Assessment
Community Health Implementation Strategy
Mandated by the affordable care act
What fraction of US children and adolescents (2-19 y) have overweight or obesity?
What is the “543210” approach to pediatric weight intervention?
- 5 servings of fruits/vegetables per day
- 4+ cups of water per day
- 3 servings of low-fat dairy per day
- 2 hours or less of screen time
- 1 hours of physical activity
- 0 sugar-sweetened beverages
List 3 strategies for using supportive communication and language when caring for patients who are overweight or obese:
- Emphasize lifesyle change, health improvement (vs weight)
- Emphasize achievable behavior goals (vs weight goals)
- Avoid language that places blame
What are the important components of a weight history?
(Important questions to ask)
- Onset
- Precipitating factors/life events
- Quality of life - when did you feel your best? What is difficult now?
- Remedy - what has worked well for you in the past?
- Temporal pattern - Rapid vs. gradual?
In completing a community health needs assesment, how do hospitals define their community?
Based on service areas and priority populations
What is the difference between equity and equality?
- Equity
- Giving people what they need to reach the same endpoint (ex: full health potential)
- Equality
- Giving people the same thing
Equality < equity < justice/systemic changes

Genetic predisposition contributes to ____% of weight status
Genetic predisposition contributes to 40-50% of weight status
Define conflict of interest in medicine
A set of conditions in which…
A physician’s professional judegment concerning a primary interest tends to be undully influenced by a secondary interest
Primary interest example: pts wellfare
Secondary interest example: financial gain
What are the top 5 drivers of the life expectancy gap between white and Black Chicagoans?
- Chronic disease
- Gun-related homicide
- Infant mortality
- HIV/infectious diseases
- Opioid overdose
**NOT genetic differences**
What are the 3 levels of the socio-ecological approach to advocacy?
Give an example of each
- Individual/patient
- Ex: using NowPow to screen for social needs
- Community
- Forming coalitions
- Community education
- Policy
- Expert testimony
- Coalitions too
A 32-year-old woman makes an appointment as a new patient. She is concerned about gaining 15 lbs. over the past 10 years. On history you learn that major life events over this time have included marriage, 2 pregnancies and moving to the suburbs. She also started an anti-depressant medication. She also states that her mother and sister are overweight.
What is the next best step?
- Reassure her that the weight gain can be reversed by lifestyle modification.
- Recommend stopping the anti-depressant medication since it can cause weight gain.
- Inquire about the weight of her 2 children since her obesity has a genetic contribution.
- Ask her what she thinks may have contributed to the weight gain.
d. Ask her what she thinks may have contributed to the weight gain.
What is the primary strategy for achieving health equity?
Addressing social determinants of health
What is weight bias (definition)?
Making (negative) assumptions or judgements about a person based on the appearance of excess weight
Includes conscious and unconscious bias
What percentage of a person’s health is determined by social factors?
What is the life expectancy gab between white non-LatinX Chicagoans and Black non-Latin-X Chicagoans?
9 years :(
What is health equity?
Giving people what they need to attain their health potential
Does not mean giving everyone the same thing
How is Healthy Chicago 2025 (the newer plan) different from Healthy Chicago 2.0 (the older plan)?
Healthy Chicago 2025 places more emphasis on:
- Fixing the root causes of health disparities
- Supporting community power
- Transforming oppressive systems
Vs. Healthy Chicago 2.0: sounds like it was focused on just making people healthier and not necessarily fixing the underlying causes of health disparities
What percentage of a population’s health is attributed to clinical care?
What are the percentile cutoffs for each category in pediatric patients?
- Obesity:
- Overweight:
- Healthy weight:
- Underweight:
- Obesity: ≥ 95th percentile
- Overweight: 85-94th percentile
- Healthy weight: 5-84th percentile
- Underweight: <5th percentile
According to the WHO, health is not just the absence of disese or infirmity
What else is health?
State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
What are the 4 possible outcomes from a conflict of interest?
- Detrimental patiet outcomes
- Compromise of physician judgement of decision making
- Potential for 1 or 2 to occur
- Perception of 1 or 2 (by a patinet, outsider, collegue, etc)