Other Non-Science Flashcards
___% of liver cirrhosis is caused by viral hepatitis
57% of liver cirrhosis is caused by viral hepatitis
Which pathogen is the most common cause of diarrhea-related deaths in children <5 years old?
72% of deaths from diarrhea occur in children <2 years old, mostly in [2 areas]
72% of deaths from diarrhea occur in children <2 years old, mostly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
Who should be tested (and potentially treated) for HCV first?
- Birth cohort born 1945-1965
- 3.25% prevalence of HCV
- Make up 75% of those with chronic
- Liver disease is highest
Children with moderate-severe diarrhea have ___ higher odds of death in 60 days of follow-up and significantly decreased linear growth
Children with moderate-severe diarrhea have 8.5 higher odds of death in 60 days of follow-up and significantly decreased linear growth
What percentage of adults age 50-75 adhere to recommended screening guidelines?
What is the major shift in HCV prevention/treatment in the last 10 years?
- Previously: Harm Reduction
- Needle/syringe exchange
- Drug treatment programs
- Now: Test and Treat (and continue harm reduction)
- Epidemiology-based testing
- Eventual goal is universal testing
- Cure those with HVA (we have a cure now!! :D)
Which viral hepatitis is most easliy transmitted?
What is the 5-year survival rate for colon cancer if it’s caught early?
What measurement is used to measure undernutrition in children <5 yers old?
Stunting (too short for one’s age)
Associated with:
- Suboptimal brain development
- Increased risk of adult obesity and chronic disease
Globally, incidence of diarrhea peaks at ___ - ___ months old
Globally, incidence of diarrhea peaks at 6-11 months old
72% of deaths from diarrhea occur in children <___years old, mostly inSouth Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
72% of deaths from diarrhea occur in children <2 years old, mostly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
What percentage of colorectal cancer is caught at an early (local) stage?
Goal is to increase this number by increasing screening
Why is exclusively breastfeeding infants <6 months old recommended to prevent diarrhea?
- Breastmilk has antibodies - passive immunity!
- Important as the passive immunity acquired throughthe placenta wantes
- Less exposure to environemental pathogens that may be in other food sources
- Provides essential nutrients and water
- Less expensive
Which micronutrients are important for reducing mortality from diarrhea? (2)
Vitamin A
*Zinc is indicated as part of treatment during diarrhea
Which 4 pathogens accounted for the majority of the cases of moderate-severe diarrhea in the GEMS study
- Leading cause of moderate-severe diarrhea in infancy
- Most common cause of diarrhea-related death in children <5
- Cryptosporidium
- Shigella
(These 4 are implicated in less severe diarrhea too)
Which health belief model construct is consistently related to CRC screening?
Patient’s percieved barriers
- Embarassment
- Fear
- Cost
- Time
Also related: percieved susceptibility, calls to action, self-efficacy

D - Diabetes
What body fluid contains the most HCV particles?
- Highly associated with IV drug use
- Possible sexual transmission
What percent of liveer cancer is caused by viral hepatitis?
Is it cost effective to cure HCV?
- Curing a patient costs WAY LESS than caring for a patient with chronic liver disease
- But according to our healthcare system, “universal treatment is neither feasible or affordable”
- But this might change one day
- Production cost is very low, maybe generics one day

___% of deaths from diarrhea occur in children <2 years old, mostly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
72% of deaths from diarrhea occur in children <2 years old, mostly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
What is the WHO recommendation for the rotavirus vaccine?
What is the first-line treatment for diarrhea?
Oral rehydration + Zinc supplements
- Most diarrhea-related deaths occur due to dehydration
- Use IV solution if necessary
How can providers help to increase rates of colon cancer screening?
- Make the recommendation!
- Increase pt education
- Provide social and emotional support
Diarrhea causes ___% of deaths in children under 5 years
Diarrhea causes 8% of deaths in children under 5 years
(72% of deaths in children under 2 years)
What is the definition of diarrhea?
How long does it have to last to be considered “persistent”?
Passage of ≥ 3 loose or watery stools in 24 hour period
Persistent lasts 14+ days
(Considered terminated if there are 2+ days free of diarrhea)
What is contained in oral rehydration solution?
- Sodium
- Chloride
- Potassium
- Gluose (Facilitate absorption)
- Citrate (correct acidosis)
Total osmolarity = 245 mmol/L
What percentage of people with a new HCV infection are symptomatic?
Many asymptomatic!!
What is the preferred colorectal cancer screening test?
Colonoscopy every 10 years after age 50
- Can detect cancer early
- Can also prevent cancer by removing poyps!
___% of children who get HBV develop a chronic infection
___% of adults who get HBV develop a chronic infection
70-90% of children who get HBV develop a chronic infection
3-5% of adults who get HBV develop a chronic infection
Infection during childhood = WAY higher risk of chronic infection
Rotavirus causes ___% of diarrheal-deaths globally
Rotavirus causes 37% of diarrheal-deaths globally