Other metabolic and endocrine Flashcards
What is gynaecomastia? Causes?
- Enlargement of glandular breast tissue in males due to hi oestrogen and low testosterone
- Pseudogynaecomastia = breast enlargement due to obesity
- medications: spirolactone, antipsychotics etc
- low testosterone: hypothamus or pituitary pathology, testicular damage, Klinefelter syndrome, older age
- hi oestrogen: newborns from mum, obesity, leading cell tumour, liver cirrhoses, hyperthyroidism
Ex of gynaecomastia
Breast ex
- uni or b/l firm tissue +/- pain
- in pseudo it would be more soft due to adipose tissue
Testicular ex
- lumps, atrophy, reduced hair (signs of reduced testosterone
Consider examining for signs of liver disease and hyperthyroidism
Ix not necessary unless no cause identified: bloods, breast USS
Mx of gynaecomastia
(1. ) Rx underlying causes e.g. stop any causative drug, hypogonadism with testosterone
(2. ) If Asyx + no underlying cause: WW + reassure if no underlying cause
(3. ) Refer
- any man with red flags
- unclear underlying cause
- if causing significant distress e.g. pain /psychological stress
(4. ) Mx
- Tamoxifen
- Surgery: mastectomy or liposuction - where medical rx fails
What is galactorrhea? Causes? Presentation?
- Breast milk production due to elevated prolactin during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Usually it is inhibited by DA
- Causes: idiopahthic, prolactinoma, antipsychotics, primary hypothyroidism, PCOS, acromegaly
- B/l galactorrhea
- Pituitary tumour: headache, bitemporal hemianopia
- Ammenorhea (PL surpasses GnRH and thus FSH)
- reduced libido
- erectile dysfunction
- gynaecomastia
Ix and Mx of galactorrhea?
(1. ) Ex: thyroid, neuro, breast
(2. ) Bloods: PL, TFT. UE, LFT, pregnancy test
(3. ) Consider MRI if pituitary tumour suspected
- Identify causes and Rx e.g. change medication, hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinaemia
- DA antagonists e.g. Cabergoline
- Surgery for prolactinomas/macroadenomas
What is lactose intolerance? Presentation?
- Lack of lactase, so body is unable to absorb lactose so ferments in GI tract. This is not the same as milk or diary allergy as it is NOT an immune reaction.
- RF: African/Asian, premature, small intestine related disease (coeliac, crohns)
Presentation Syx present 30mins-2hrs after eating: - Bloating - Diarrhoea - Gas - Abdo cramps + pain - Nauseous
Ix and Mx of lactose intolerance?
DX: Reduce amount of diary food and see if syx improve
- Hydrogen breath test: lactose consumed and hydrogen levels measured in breath (inc in LI).
- Lactose tolerance test: lactose consumed and serum glucose measured (reduced in LI).
- Cutting down on foods/drinks with lactose
- Lactose free products e.g. soya, oat, almont
- Ca and Vit D supps may be needed
- Lactate supps
What is phaeochromocytoma? Presentation?
Caarecholamine secreting adrenal medulla tumour.
RF: MEN2, neurofibromatosis, von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Syx: due to hi adrenaline + noradrenaline
- HTN (90%)
- Headaches
- Palpitations
- Sweating
- Anxiety
- Tremor
Ix and Mx of phaeochromocytoma?
- 24hr urinary metanephrines (hi)
- Abdo CT/MRI
- Adrenalectomy
- Prior to surgery, stabilise pt: alpha blocker (phenoxybenzamine), followed by Bb
What is Conn’s Syndrome? Presentation? Ix? Mx?
- Primary hyperaldosteronism where adrenal gland produces too much aldosterone.
- Aldosterone: inc Na resorption, inc K + H+ secretion
Syx: HTN often resistant to antihypertensive Rx
- Renin: aldosterone ratio (Hi aldo, low renin)
- UE: hypokalaemia
- ABG: alkalosis (elevated HCO3)
- CT/MRI – look for cause e.g. tumour
- Aldosterone antagonist e.g. eplerenone or spironolactone
- Laparoscopic adrenalectomy