Other Historians Flashcards
How does Xen open Hellenica that suggests a cont from Thuc?
‘after these events’
In what class was Xenophon? Likely political standing and evidence?
Due to background and growing up through olig revolutions, likely had some contempt for democratic constitutions - Socrates follower, disdain in treatment of Aeg generals, lack of criticism for Alcibiades, flights from athens to live in Persia c402/1.
Why is Xenophon’s work seen as unreliable and poor for historical enquiry?
clear bias against Thebes, clear affinity to Sparta, superficial judgements, narrow interests, and extensive omissions
What is an external source that demonstrates Xenophon’s inaccuracies, at least in 4th cent narrative? Signif of this work?
Oxyrhynchus Historian (papyrus fragments)
Accurate and most Thucydidean out of the 4th cent histories we have.
What break in composition is apparent in Xenophon?
1-2.3 was written earlier than all of 2.3 to end - the latter in the 350s and the former, a while before this.
What appears to have been Xenophon’s main source?
his own memory and experience of events
From what pov was book 1-2.3 Xen Hell written?
Spartan, likely was in peloponese when writing this
Who provides a claim of Xen publishing and cont the history of Thuc? Accuracy?
Diogenes Laertius.
Attempt to divide chron by summers and winters is Thucydidean BUT
Xen certainly wasn’t the only man to attempt this, his stye is far inferior, and there are divergences from Thuc date that suggests he wasn’t even using Thuc material
How does Cawkwell describe Xen’s Hell. if not a history?
Why does Xen appear to have favoured Spartan society?
saw it as more virtuous and liked the oligarchic government of wealthy, educated men - similar view to much of G aristocracy around this time
What appears to have been Xen’s understanding of his relationship w Thuc?
he was continuing where Thuc left off but was aware of his inferiority in historical approach
What does Cawkwell identify as Xen’s rhetorical purpose?
record and depict virtue
How does playwright Cratinus describe Pericles?
‘the biggest tyrant of all’ (The Tutors)
Who was Pericles’ tutor? What happened to him? Signif?
Damon, sophist
ostracised for being supportive of tyranny
He was continually linked w Pericles and this Pericles could be linked w tyranny.
How does Plutarch characterize pericles? Thuc?
very intelligent, measured, and virtuous
Wise, had integrity, patient
Who was Pericles’ rival? What does Plutarch say he does to compete w him?
Seeing that C had support of aristocracy, he engendered support from the masses in order to challenge C and get power
How do Plut and Thuc present Pericles as an orator?
thoughtful and restrained
What does Plutarch say Pericles’ nickname was? Why?
The Olympian
ppl attrib to diff things but could be combo of all: skill and vigour with which he approached oratory, building programme, and/or ability as a leader/statesman
How did comic poets spin Pericles’ nickname?
said he got ‘the olympian’ name on account of his thundering and lightning in the assembly and using tongue to wield a thunderbolt
On what does Plutarch disgree w Thuc abt w regards to Pericles?
Thucydides says Perciles’ gadministration was aristocratic but Pluatarch argues there was a great swave of democratic measure brought in under his leadership
What crucial theme in Thuc appears in Plutarch w ref to Pericles and pol situation in Athens?
Plutarch refers to a constant rift that ran through Athenian politics and became particularly bad with conlift of democracy and aristocracy (represented by masses and few)
What did Pericles’ ‘enemies’ critique abt the acropolis building programme? Defence Plutarch says Pericles gave?
using the money contributed to Athens by allies for united force against barbarians for such selfish and vain purposes
Allies were not entitled to a record of the money’s use nor was it contractual that it should be for military use
What does Plutarch outline as the economic incentives for Acropolis building programme?
provide the masses with work and thus reason to pay them from state funds
What do Plutarch and Thuc agree w regarding Pericles in the pol system?
He had the most power and sat at the top of proceedings
Problem w comparing Thuc and Plutarch?
Plutarch clearly used Thuc as a source to some extent
c450 what does Plutarch say Pericles was being ridiculed as ?
a peisistratid
How does Plutarch charcterise Pericles’ military approach?
weary and risk averse
What events/period does Plutarch cover better than Thucydides?
‘1st pelo war’ and the 30 years peace that was agreed after it
What does Plutarch say Pericles was possibly motivated by in Megara treatment?
private grudge generally
issue of two prostitutes under Aspasia’s care were kidnapped by Megarians
In public, Pericles cites Megara’s use of sacred Eleusis land
Recorded by Plutarch: Who was accused of embezzlement as a result of closeness to Pericles?
Acc to Plutarch: Who, close to Pericles, was accused of impiety?
What does Plutarch say was Sparta’s first moves in war and motives behind?
try to remove Pericles by using blood-guilt of Alcmaeon family (that P was a part of)
Pericles was making Athens stronger and to remove him would make them much easier enemies
How does Plutarch demonstrate how crucial Pericles was to Athens?
upon withdrawing from politics c430/29 after persoanl problems, the people begged hi to come back after others had taken on leadership but were disappointing
What does Plutarch say happens to Ath politics after Pericles died?
‘public life of Athens was to be polluted by a rank growth of corruption and wrongdoing’
What was Plutarch’s intention w his work?
record and draw on great men and provide for his peers examples to inspire great action and morals
When was Plutarch alive? Where was he from?
40s CE-c117 CE
Boeotia, never strayed too far for too long
Why did plutarch only write of ‘men in action’?
these kinds of men were the ones most able to inspire others and lead to the greatest of results for human nature
What life related to this period was used by plutarch as a warning one ?
Why is Plutarch a good source w regard to his research methods? Poor?
had a wide expanse of material from which to draw on BUT did not evaluate this material v well so it varies in reliability
What should be bourne in mind when reading the profiles of those in Plutarch?
they were generally idealized, drawing out the best in figures in order to inspire
What are the historical techniques apparent in Xen’s Anabasis and Hellenica that assimilate them w Thuc and Hdt?
3rd person narrative
miltpile focalizations
direct and indirect of characters
constructs characterizations
attribution of intentions and motives
What distinguishes Xen’s hellenica from Thuc and Hdt’s works?
no preface introd the works nor author
rare 1st person comments
maintenance of anonymity
no formal speeches but rather frquesnt give-and-take dialoguesd
What does Gray believe to have been Xenophon’s intention in writing - writing in all the genres that he did, incl historical?
philosophical interest in search for the best life
What is Xen’s book2 remark on his history? Signif?
(abt Theramenes’ last words upon his execution) “These are but “apophthegms” too trivial, it may be thought, to find a place in history. Yet I must deem it an admirable trait in this man’s character, if at such a moment, when death confronted him, neither his wits forsook him, nor could the childlike sportiveness vanish from his soul.”
demonstrates an awarenss of what is to be included in a history as well as a desire for him to define his own historical purpose and style
Why do some scholars disregard Xen’s Hellenica as historical?
tight focalization of particular characters
it only adresses one side
What is a key theme of Xen works that is absent in Thuc? Examples?
the gods and religion
pre and post-battle sacrifices, omens, dreams, oaths and oath breaking
What is similar in Xens treatment of characters in his historical works to Thuc? different?
Interest in character as a factor in the decisions and events of politics/history.
More abstract exploration/descrip of character e.g. his praise for Theramenes upon his execution
What philosophical theme is present in Xen’s treatment of the conflict betw Critias and Theramenes?
What does Marincola assert as Xen’s motivations for writing specifically historical works?
element of memorialization (recording important events and figures etc.)
didacticism - building and appreciating nuances
interest in the story and how history unfolded
What is Xen’s narrative intention with teh Hellenica?
exploration into how Sparta secured its power (as cont from Thuc) over Greece then lost it with the exchange of strength for fatal threat
Overall nature of Xen’s narrative that poss relates to 4th cent political context?
more nuanced, more varied in subject and focalization poss resulting from the lack of a bigger two player political conflict in that century