Other fluency disorders: SAAND, cluttering, cluttering treatment Flashcards
What is SAAND?
Stuttering after acquired neurological damage
- when the stuttering behaviour first occurs, noticeably worsens or re-occurs in the presence of acquired neurological problems
What is neurogenic stuttering, and some potential aetiologies?
- stuttering cause or exacerbated by neurological disease/damage: typically acquired after childhood
Aetiology may be: - stroke
- head trauma
- tumour
- Parkinson’s
- drug toxicity
What are the steps involved in the diagnosis and evaluation of neurogenic stuttering?
- Complete case history
- Direct assessment of speech
How could you directly assess speech of a neurogenic PWS?
- SSI-4
- analysis of speech sample
- proportion of stuttering function vs. content words
- presence of stuttering on non-initial syllables
- absence of secondary behaviours
- passage reading to be read 6 times to determine if stuttering is reduced through repeated readings
- speaking in a variety of fluency-inducing conditions (DAF 250-ms delay, listening to loud masking noise)
Compare and contrast the speech behaviours of neurogenic and developmental stuttering?
- stuttering on function and content words - equally affected
- not restricted to initial syllables in words
- rarely are there are secondary non-verbal behaviours
- no adaptation effect occurs with repeated readings
- less responsive to fluency-enhancing conditions
- individuals may appear annoyed or frustrated
- stuttering more frequent on content words
- primarily on initial syllables
- usually escape and avoidance behaviours which are at times severe
- sudden decrease in stuttering frequency with successive readings (5th reading = 50% reduction)
- noticeable reductions in stuttering - speaking to rhythm, masking noise, DAF
- have already developed fears and anxiety about stuttering and speaking
List, and briefly describe, some treatment approaches for treating neurogenic stuttering.
- Behavioural treatments
- pacing: speaking 1 syllable at a time, regular staccato rhythm
- tapping of thigh rhythmically to produce fluent speech
- slow rate and easy onset
- stuttering modification: light contacts, pull outs, cancellations and preparatory sets
EMG biofeedback - Neurosurgery
- can resolve or improve stuttering; implantations of electrodes to stimulate thalamus - Medications
Describe psychogenic acquired stuttering
- later onset
- typically begins after prolonged period or stress after a traumatic event
- conversion symptom - physical or behavioural expression of psychological conflict
- involuntary
- resembles developmental stuttering in terms of core behaviours
- may occur alone or together with other signs of psychological or neurological involvement
Discuss the diagnosis and evaluation of psychogenic acquired stuttering
(multi-disciplinary approach needed: neurology, psychiatry and SP)
- complete case history
- motor speech exam (rule out apraxia or PD)
- assess language and cognition if indicated
- ask client to speak under fluency enhancing conditions
- trial therapy
- analysis of stuttering (SSI-4)
What is the nature of the speech of someone who clutters?
- rapid speaking
- difficult to understand
- words may be collapsed
- sounds may sound slurred
- word repetitions
- revision and restarts
- hesitations
- all usually without tension
- speaking rate is not continuously rapid - sudden bursts filled with misarticulations and disfluencies
-can become more fluent, slower and intelligible when they control their disorder BUT rarely happens because
What is ‘mazing’?
- repeated false starts, hesitations, revisions that leave listeners puzzled about a speaker’s verbal destination
- rambling, run-on verbalisations that add nothing to the content of the message
What are some features of cluttering?
- lack of effective self-monitoring skills
- lack of pauses between words
- lack of awareness
- imprecise articulation
- compulsive talkers
- language disorganised
- poor attention span
- perceptual weakness
- excessive repetitions
What are some associated symptoms with cluttering?
- articulation and motor difficulties
- syntactic difficulties
- vocal monotony
- reading disorders
- writing disorders
- distractibility
- lack of rhythm and musicality
- restlessness and hyperactivity
-hereditary links - learning difficulties
List how you would directly assess the speech of someone who clutters.
- recording of speech (reading passage situational recording, produce multisyllabic words, words with differing stress patterns)
- analysis of rate (SPM)
- analysis of stuttering vs. cluttering
- meaningful vs. extraneous syllables
- analysis of intelligibility
Compare and contrast features of i)stuttering and ii) cluttering
Thought planning and language:
i) knows exactly what they are saying
ii) disorganised thoughts and verbal clarity
Fluency behaviours:
i) all core behaviours + revisions, interjections
ii) repetitions (word) dominate + interjections, restarts, revision. Blocks rare
Secondary behaviours:
i) common
ii) rare
Speech clarity:
i) clear intelligible and consistent
ii) distorted, telescopic, unintelligible patches
i) can be high
ii) minimal
Learning problems:
i) occasional
ii) usual
i) not typically impaired
ii) verbose, impulsive, unable to consider communication partner. Difficulty ‘reading’ social cues
Compare and contrast features of i)stuttering and ii) cluttering
Thought planning and language:
i) knows exactly what they are saying
ii) disorganised thoughts and verbal clarity
Fluency behaviours:
i) all core behaviours + revisions, interjections
ii) repetitions (word) dominate + interjections, restarts, revision. Blocks rare
Secondary behaviours:
i) common
ii) rare
Speech clarity:
i) clear intelligible and consistent
ii) distorted, telescopic, unintelligible patches
i) can be high
ii) minimal
Learning problems:
i) occasional
ii) usual
i) not typically impaired
ii) verbose, impulsive, unable to consider communication partner. Difficulty ‘reading’ social cues
What are features of cluttering treatment?
- tailored to client’s unique difficulties
- minimal evidence suggesting standard procedures
- number of strategies shown effective
- aim to include speech, language and other skills that may impact communication skills
- need to remember that stuttering reduction is also important and should be prioritised if dominant feature
- can incorporate fluency shaping strategies
What are features of cluttering treatment?
- tailored to client’s unique difficulties
- minimal evidence suggesting standard procedures
- number of strategies shown effective
- aim to include speech, language and other skills that may impact communication skills
- need to remember that stuttering reduction is also important and should be prioritised if dominant feature
- can incorporate fluency shaping strategies
Why is slowing rate useful in cluttering treatment? List some strategies
- effective in ameliorating range of cluttering symptoms
- more difficult to achieve and maintain slow rate for a PWC
- Operant conditioning
- Biofeedback
- ‘speeding tickets’
- DAF and other assistive devices helpful
Paced reading tasks are useful
Why is heightening monitoring a good treatment for PWC? List some strategies
- need to learn to monitor their speech (many are unable to)
- difficult to teach
- ask them to imagine speaking clearly prior to communication and use self-talk, affirmation to strengthen those images
- SS or PS
Why is using clear articulation a useful treatment for PWC? List some strategies
- slowing the rate or learning to monitor more effectively = clearer speech
- use conventional articulation treatment strategies
Why is verbal planning a useful treatment for PWC? List some strategies
- language treatment recommended if previous strategies have not been effective
- begin with simple, short sentences and progress to longer, more complex
Why is ‘interacting with listeners’ a useful strategy for PWC? What does this treatment look like?
- training in anticipating, perceiving, and responding to standard conversation cues
- turn-taking
- learning how to respond using facial cues
- ‘checking in’ with the listener
Why is ‘speaking naturally’ a useful treatment for PWC?
- rapid, irregular, slow and robotic rates are unnatural
- need to vary both syllable durations (especially of stressed syllables) and intonation - done during Mater SS
- provide immediate feedback for strange sounding speech
- combined with clarity treatment
Why is ‘reducing excessive dysfluencies’ a useful treatment for PWC?
- many PWC also stutter
- excessive stuttering dysfluencies or cluttering dysfluencies should be the last speech aspect treated - for those PWC with minimal stuttering
- if stuttering is dominant = fluency shaping strategies are recommended
Why is ‘relaxation’ treatment useful for PWC?
- general relaxation/meditation, breath control (deep diaphragmatic breathing), PMR and visual imagery exercises may help to decrease impulsivity and distractibility
- attention deficits are also common so sustaining relaxation will be a challenge initially