other defs Flashcards
study of the immediate ancestors of humans (hominins) relies on fossils. geographically specific - east and south africa, east asia, and middle east.
study of decomposition of plant or animal remains. process may be arrested by dry, cold, wet (anaerobic environments). will not become a fossil if its remains are left exposed due to scavengers, maggots, etc. to become fossilized, remains must stay in an oxygen free environment.
rare process. conditions must be right. types of fossils: sedimentary rock and volcanic activity.
index fossils
certain fossils used to date strata. changes in fossil organisms can reflect changes in paleoenviroments. useful in paleontology and economic geology.
relative dating - fluorine
James Middleton. fluorine is found in soil, which leaches in bones. amount of fluorine gives a relative age. amount of fluorine depends on soil.
relative dating - cultural dating
common in archaeological contexts. analyze the change in material culture over time.
absolute dating - dendrochronology
A.E. Douglass. First method for numerically dating objects and events. developed in american southwest (arizona and new mexico). anaylze tree rings to determine exact year. gives an environmental record.
absolute dating - radio carbon dating
Willard Libby. the ratio of 14c to 12c is measured to provide an absolute date for material younger than 50,000 yrs. greater ratio between the longer since death. carbon 14 decomposes at a half life. organic matter only. 1950 is considered present.
absolute dating - chemical dating techniques
rely on half-lives of radioactive elements. uses predictable chemical changes that occur over time.
absolute dating - potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating
the ratio of 40K to 40Ar is measured to provide an absolute date for a material older than 200,000 yrs. Measures the amount of gas (40Ar) relative to the amount of non-gas (40K) in the rock. the more gas, the older the rock. first used to date an early hominin skull found by mary leaky.
absolute dating - uranium series (fission track) dating
measurement of the number of tracks left by the decay of uranium-238. when the isotope decays, fragments produced in the decay, or fission, process leaves a line, or track. more tracks = older material. date materials from the last several million yrs and used to date volcanic ash and obsidian.
layers of rock representing various periods of deposition.
where fossils are most commonly found. produced by water and wind carrying and then dropping tiny bits of rock, sand, and soil over time.
3 key stages in the record of past life are missing:
1) palontologists have only searched in some places
2) fossils have been preserved in some places
3) rock sequences containing fossils are not complete in all places.
major divisions of geologic time that are divided into periods and then into epochs.
first major era of geologic time. 570-230 mya. during which fish, reptiles, and insects first appeared.
second major era of geologic time. 230-66 mya. characterized by the emergence and extinction of dinosaurs.
era lasting 66 mya to present. encompassing the radiation and proliferation of mammals, such as humans and other primates. at the beginning of this period, Pangaea began the process of separation.
divisions of periods in geologic time.
stratigraphic correlation
the process of matching up strata from several sites through the analysis of chemical, physical, and other properties. William Smith.
relative dating - biostratigraphic dating
uses the associations of fossils in strata to determine each layer’s approximate age. draws on the first appearance of an organism in the fossil record, that organism’s evolutionary development over time, and the organism’s extinction.
pebble tools
earliest stone tools, in which simple flakes were knocked off to produce an edge used for cutting and scraping.
Upper Paleolithic
various regional cultures in Europe 40000 ya; provide a number of time specific artifacts, such as Lion Men sculptures.
two or more forms of a chemical element that have the same number of protons but vary in the number of neutrons.