Other Circumstantial Evidence Flashcards
Habit and custom-Applies to individuals and businesses.
a. Person: Evidence of a person’s habit is admissible to show the person acted in accordance with the habit on a particular occasion (e.g., driver who always fastens her seatbelt before driving).
b. Business practices: The routine practice of an organization is admissible to show the practice was followed by the business on a particular occasion (e.g., outgoing mail placed in the outbox is collected and mailed everyday at 3 p.m.).
Habit and custom-Three factors are considered to determine if habit or character evidence
a. The more specific the behavior, the more likely it’s habit.
b. The more regular the behavior, the more likely it’s habit.
c. The more unreflective or semi- automatic, the more likely it’s habit.
Similar happenings
Evidence that similar happenings that occurred in the past (or failed to occur) are allowed if the events are substantially similar . Typically used to show prior accident or injury, or the absence of a past accident or injury.
Habit and custom
Habit and custom is a regular response to a repeated situation and is admissible to show conduct in conformity.