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BF skinner
uncontested champion of behaviourism from 1950 - 1980 advocated a functional analysis
Functional analysis
study of systematic relations between environmental events and behavioural events
Frequency of a behaviour changes when it produces a consequence studied by BF skinner
operant conditioning
Walden two
famous novel written by BF skinner describing utopian society based on application of behavioural principles
School-based of belief that whole is different than sum of its parts
Gestalt psych
Illusion of movement created by presenting visual stimuli in rapid succession
phi phenomenon
Max wertheimer
co-founder of gestalt psych wrote seminal paper about phi phenomenon marking start of school
Kurt Koffka
co-founder of Gestalt wrote paper leading to misconception in America that school was abo8t perception
perceptual constnacy
perception of whole remains intact despite fluctuating sensory information from it key concept in gestalt psych
insightful learning
sudden ability to solve problem after perceiving relations among it’s parts
Conscious experience is like a map of the under lying brain experience
A school that emphasizes unconscious motivation subject matter is psychoanalysis. The primary method is clinical observation
His use of magnetic therapy induce trances in patients
Franz memer
Martin Charcot and Pierre Janet
their pioneering treatment of hysteria with hypothesis shifted psychiatry from physical to mental viewpoint
cattarsis freud
conscious expression of repressed ideas brings emotional release
sigmund freud
founder of psychoanlysis
josef brever
his case reports on anna o played critical role in development of psychoanlysis