Other Flashcards
School buses: 2 lane
vehicles in both directions must stop
School buses: multi laned paved across
vehicles in both directions must stop
School buses: divided highway
vehicles bheind bus must stop, opposite direction proceeds with caution
Emergency vehicles
- all vehicles and peds must yeild
- pull over the closest edge of the road and dont block intersections
Move Over Law : multi lane
- vacate lane closest to stantionary emergecy vehicle
- if you cant move over go 20 mph below the speed limit
- if youre in a farther lane prepare to let other cars in
Move Over Law : 2 lane
- go 20mph below the speed limit
- if the speed limit is 20 then go 5 mph
Funeral processions
- all vehicles and peds must yeild
- illegal to drive between vehicles or join procession if you aren’t a member of the funeral
Public transit
all dirvers must yeild right of way to buses traveling in the same direction
all dirvers must yeild right of way to buses traveling in the same direction
- stay out of blind spots
- dont tailgate
- dont use high beams when following at night
- keep to the right when a cmv is appraoching from the oppoite direction
- dont drive between a cmv and a curb when turning
- if stopped behind a cmv on an upgrade, give extra room in case they drift back
Passing a cmv
- pass on left side for max visibility
- avoid passing on a downgrade since it will cause them to speed up
- when a cmv passes you keep to the right
Golf carts must not be driven by anyone ___ and under on public roads
Golf carts can only be operated between ___ to ___ unless government says otherwise
sunrise to sunset
Golf carts can cross state roads if the speed limit is ___ mph or less and only at intersections
45 mph
Golf carts can drive on the sidewalk only if its at least ___ feet wide
Golf cart requirements
- good brakes
- rear view mirror
- good steering
- red refelctors on front and rear
- safe tires
Golf cart equipment for night driving
- headlights
- brake lights
- turn signals
- windsheild
Lowspeed vehicles can only be used when posted speed limit is ___ mph or less
35 mph
LSV top speeds
21-25 mph
To operate a LSV you need
- an LSV license
- registration and insurance