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Césaire’s (1969) French rewriting
celebrated Caliban’s verbal attacks on Prospero and questioned his claims to the island
cohen 1985
‘The Tempest uncovers the racist and imperialist bases of English nationalism’
Miller’s 1970 production
2 west indian men as ariel and caliban
Hulme 1981
Prospero’s magic occupies “the space really inhabited in colonial history by gunpowder
Traversi 1954
Ferdinand and Miranda’s relationship is ‘a symbolic ground for reconciliation’
Sundelson 1980
‘Prospero surrenders to Ferdinand the pleasure of possessing Miranda’
Vaughan ‘06
‘The audience’s attention is consistently focused on the father, not the young lovers’
Mabilliard 2010
The union of Miranda and Ferdinand as ‘a vehicle by which the two fathers can further their reconciliation’
Kott 1965
‘on Prospero’s island, the laws of the real world apply’
mid-19th century Macready and Ken performances
spectacular stage imagery dominated the play
Doran’s 2016 production
use of technology to create an enchanted isle
auden 1944
‘Gonzalo makes goodness easy by blinding himself to evil’
northrop 1969
Antonio and Sebastian are ‘the real dreamers, sunk into the hallucination of greed’ – Northrop
northrop 1969
Antonio and Sebastian are ‘the real dreamers, sunk into the hallucination of greed’ – Northrop
Ruffo 2014
‘Antonio and Sebastian provide a necessary counterbalance to Ariel’s impractical political philosophy’
Coleridge 1827
‘The highest and lowest class are brought together’
purely romantic drama
Hirst 1984
play about power
orgel 1985
repentance remains a largely unachieved goal
Bowen, modern
The Tempest ends with order emerging from disorder