Othello Vocabulary Flashcards
High sounding, pretentious
Insolent, impertinent, boldly smart
Impudence, effrontery, nerve
Pointed, concise
To pass over, along, or through
To influence by trickery, mislead
A box or chest, especially for money or valuables
An untrustworthy or dishonest person
Anger, wrath, irritability
A discussion or conference
An impudent or flirtatious girl
Benefited or instructed
To remove or withdraw for the purpose of seclusion
Criticism or punishment
Inner feeling of future misfortune
Evil or cancerous
Strong or vehement expression of disapproval
Bombastic sentence
My friend always sounds bombastic when she brags about how many concerts she has gone to, personally I think she is too fixated on her reputation
Saucy sentence
In this day and age, those who can make fast saucy comments are seen as cool because of their humor
Taper sentence
I wish to one day walk into a cave holding a taper, as seen in many movies and tv shows
Gall sentence
I cannot believe my mother had the gall to ground me for dying my hair blue
Pith Sentence
My history teacher prefers us to write pithy responses on the exam because he does not want to read a long response filled with fluff
Traverse sentence
I do not go to the carnival because of the horrible treatment of the elephants, hence it is a shame that I do not see the tightrope walkers traversing the tightrope
Beguile sentence
My mother hoped and prayed that I was beguiling her with my blue hair, she wished that the blue hair was just a wig and I could pull it off
Coffers sentence
I have a coffers in my room slyly tucked away underneath my bed so no one could find it
Knave sentence
When my mother found out I was beguiling her and my blue “hair” was just a wig she called me a knave
Choler sentence
My mother was filled with choler over my exam grade, however she remembered that I am still getting an A in the class and quickly calmed down
Parley sentence
Because I wish to do a semester abroad I have to have a parley with Ms. Koneizhny and my mother to talk about the programs I am interested in
Zounds sentence
When my friend found out I dropped her phone in the pool, she said (and i quote), “Zounds! You have to buy me a new one!”
Minx sentence
Many of my favorite tv show characters are minxes, especially Blair Waldorf in Gossip Girl who is constantly messing with guys
Edified sentence
My 8th grade english teacher, Mr Rice, edified me greatly on how to write the perfect outline however I quickly realized after leaving his class that i do not prefer outlines
Sequester sentence
Once I got my exam review packet for French class i quickly sequestered myself from social networks because I needed to focus on my studies
Castigation sentence
My mother was filled with castigation when she found out that I had died my hair blue, but thankfully it was just a wig because she would have grounded me
Boding/foreboding sentence
Thankfully, I did not have a foreboding feeling in my stomach before I took the exam because the sense of misfortune would have distracted me
Anon sentence
Anon, I will actually dye my hair but I doubt that it will ever be blue
Naught sentence
At the end of the day, all of the commotion and yelling was for naught because it only made us more mad
Frailty sentence
One the baby was born early, the frailty of her bones was easy to see through the fact that she needed help even breathing
For aught I knew, the fruits in my smoothie could have actually been non-organic and the waiter was lying to me
Malignant sentence
My malignant friend was thankfully leaving the school, she only created drama and made others lives harder
Censure sentence
The moment I had shown my mother my blue hair she had a look of censure on her face, which I was not surprised over