IAGO QUOTE: betrayal, dramatic irony, manipulation, foreshadows machiavellian traits to later be revelaed
“i am not what i am”
IAGO QUOTE: animalistic imagery, prejudice, dark vs light symbolism - colour imagery
“Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white eve!”
OTHELLO QUOTE: irony, fatal flaw of loyalty, betrayal & honour
“ a man he is of honesty and trust”
IAGO QUOTE: green imagery + symbolism, envy, ambiguity
“o beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on”
OTHELLO QUOTE: darkness and light symbolism, light symbolises the life of Desdemona in the hands of Othello
“Yet she must die, else she’ll betray more men. Put out the light, and then put out the light!”
IAGO QUOTE: declares the unclear roots of his motives for scheming. enhances tragic aspect of the play
“Demand me nothing. What you know, you know. From this time forth I never will speak word”
OTHELLO QUOTE: demonstrates a sense of romantic bravery, in an analogy to his duties as general - desdemona is the fortune & victory at the end of the turk feud ( or battle that is the play), demonstrates theatricality
“I fetch my life and being from men of royal siege, and my demerits may speak unbonneted to as proud a fortune”
BRAB QUOTE: post colonial link - contextual witchcraft in shakespeare’s england, weakens innocence of pure desdemona
“abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals that weakens motion”
BRAB QUOTE: iambic pentameter in rhyming couplet to articulate the great dilemma of coloured individuals in places of high authority in venice.
“for if such actions may have passage free, bond slaves and pagans shall our statesmen be”
OTHELLO QUOTE: acknowledges outsider concept and self doubt, high modality
“if there be cords and knives, poison or fire or suffocating streams, ill not endure it.”
IAGO QUOTE: metaphor, initiating idea to othello that mostly true circumstances will will consolidate
“if imputation and strong circumstances, which lead directly to the door of truth, will give you satsifaction”
IAGO QUOTE: paradox, theme of appearance vs relaity, illusion etc
“i should be wise; for honesty’s a fool”
IAGO QUOTE: metaphor describing his burning from within, his language is his poison
“dangerous conceits are in natures poisons…with a little act upon the blood, burn like the mines of sulphur”
OTHELLO QUOTE: fortune = conflict and doubt, moral reflection, concept of reality of love, appearance vs reality.
“this honest creature doubtless sees and knows more, much more, that he unfolds”
IAGO QUOTE: Ambiguous remarks with no explanation provoke doubt in Othello
“Ha! i like not that”
IAGO QUOTE: Aphorism & Analogy, to manipulate yet leave them to seek own conclusion, hallmark of machiavellian villain / devil
“Thou know’st we work by with and not by witchcraft”
IAGO QUOTE: metatheatricality - Iago as the metatheatrical director, analogy comparison to devil
“when devils will the blackest sins put on, They do suggest at first with heavenly shows as i do now”
IAGO QUOTE: metatheatricality - Iago as the metatheatrical director, description implies grest effortd
“look on the tragic loading of this bed: this is thy work”
OTHELLO QUOTE: paradoxical, duality to the character of Othello and his identity
“an honourable murderer”
EMILIA QUOTE: demanding voice, feminist representation, will not be silenced - she is attempted to be verbally oppressed if different ways by both Othello and Iago
“i will not charm my tongue; i am bound to speak”
IAGO QUOTE: Analogy, man compared to gardens: how he controls own desires
“our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners…supply it with one gender of herbs or distract it with many, either to have it sterile with idleness or manured with industry”
IAGO QUOTE: spider analogy, link to metatheatricality, Iago as the spider (director, manipulator) constricting his web to catch Cassio, ‘web of lies’
“with as little web as this i will ensnare as great a fly as Cassio”
IAGO QUOTE: feminism reading, objectifying women, emphasising uselessness
“[women] are pictures out of door, bells in your parlors, wild-cats in your kitchens”.
BIANCA QUOTE: feminism reading, declares she is no prostitute
“I am no strumpet; but of life as honest
As you that thus abuse me.”