Othello Quotes Flashcards
Nigerian critic Ben Orki testifies that Othello is a play that revolves around race he states that…
‘If it did not begin as a play about race then its history has made it one’
From the very beginning racist slurs are used to refer to Othello. His name is not even used for the first scene – he is only referred to as ……… branding him by his race
‘his moorship’ or ‘thick lips’
When he is found with Desdemona it is referred to as a ……….. - very derogatory and compares black Othello to an animal or beast dehumanising him
‘black ram tupping a white ewe’ or ‘beast with two backs’
Iago refers to the love between Othello and Desdemona as ………… showing the way that interracial relationships were frowned upon
‘against all rules of nature’
There are also running motifs of black imagery compared with the purer white imagery…
‘fair angel’ ‘black devil’
Blackness throughout the play is linked with sin…..
‘when devils will the blackest sin put on’
Pathetic fallacy used to illustrate blackness and darkness with sin – last scene in the dark – murder…
“enter Othello with a light’
Juxtapositions in Act 5 Scene 2 ………… imagery draws emphasis to a true contrast of good and bad and suggests, from Emelia, the most open and forward-thinking character in the play that black is worse than white showing the extent of racism in the play
‘water and fire’ ‘false and true’ ‘black and white’
In the same way racist slurs are used sexist slurs are thrown at the women in the play with even husbands calling their wives ……… meaning prostitutes
‘strumpets’ and ‘Guinea-hens’
Emelia, who comes across as a ‘feminist’ kind of characters even states she wants nothing but …………. which illustrates the ‘duty’ for women to live for their man
‘to please Iago’s fantasy’
Fully before its time – feminist monologue standing up for the rights of women…..
‘Let husbands know their wives have sense like them’
She speaks for what she believes in and stands up for herself ……..
‘I will not charm my tongue, I am bound to speak’
Emilia blames any women’s unfaithfulness on the way men set an example ……..
‘the ills we do, their ills instruct us so’
Othello uses affectionate language towards Desdemona ……
“O my soul’s joy”
Othello states that in another life no one would be able to make him as happy as Desdemona …….
“If I were to die now, not another comfort like this succeeds in unknown fate”
Even Iago who hates Othello recognises the love between Desdemona and Othello love …..
“I dare say he’ll prove to Desdemona a most dear husband”
Othello foreshadows the destruction to come when he begins to hate Desdemona …..
“when I love thee not, chaos is come again”
Iago’s lies begin to make Othello confused and not know whether to believe that Desdemona has been unfaithful or not ………
“I think my wife be honest and think she is not”
Violet thoughts as Othello deteriorates …..
“I’ll tear her to pieces”
Violent thoughts turn to murderous thoughts ….
“some swift means of death for the fair devil”
In Act 4 Scene 1 Othello reaches his nadir in deterioration when he …..
“falls in a trance”