Othello Key Quotes Flashcards
AC Bradley on Othello’s temperamental nature
‘Othello’s nature is all of one piece… If such a passion as jealousy seizes him, it will swell into a well-nigh uncontrollable flood.’
AC Bradley on Othello as the outsider
‘he does not belong to our world’
Lynda E Boose on audience’s complicity
‘Holds up a mirror that mercilessly exposes the complicity of the audience’s spectatorship’
‘Refusal to gratify the audience’s need for retributive justice’
Coghill on Iago’s motives
‘powerfully possessed by a hatred against a master who (as he thinks) has kept him down’
Leavis on Othello’s pride
‘a habit of self-approving self-dramatisation is an essential element in Othello’s make-up’
Gardner on Iago’s motives
‘malice is motiveless’
Germaine Greer on Iago’s racism and today
‘Iago is still alive and kicking and filling migrant’s letterboxes with excrement’
Ianouttue on Othello as a morality play
‘from the Medieval morality play in which typically the “good angel” and the “evil angel” are battling for the soul of the “everyman”.’
‘Consistent with the characteristics of a morality play is the fact that both Desdemona and Iago are comparatively one-dimensional characters. Desdemona embodies innocence, sincerity and selflessness’
Ianouttue on interracial marriage
the interracial element serves to emphasize the hard-won nature of the love between them, making it that much more tragic to see it undermined
Dickson on Othello’s stories
‘The Moor’s stories allow Desdemona to experience the exotic/erotic delight’
‘At the same time, romances, poems and plays often countered patriarchal authority in favor of romantic love’
Vaughan on female sexuality
‘early modern England’s preoccupation with cuckoldry demonstrates a basic male insecurity about women’s sexuality’
Quarshie on racial stereotypes
‘perhaps Othello is the one which should most definitely not be played by a black actor’
Dickson on challenging racial stereotypes
‘On the other, the Moor of Venice is the hero of the play, a decorated general in the service of the Venetian state. The villain of the piece is the white racist who plots Othello’s downfall’
‘There is also an alternative history of Othello, in which the role has been interpreted as an act of out-and-out emancipation’
Dickson on Othello and society
Perhaps this is the lesson to draw from Othello, Quarshie suggests: that the play’s history on stage uncovers as much about the societies in which it appears as the play itself.
Dickson on Othello’s tragic fall
‘The more successful you are in depicting the first Othello, this man who is wise, astute, mature, magnanimous, the harder it is to show a man who is persuaded that his wife has committed adultery, and who turns into an obsessive, compulsive, murderous maniac.’
Kiernan Ryan on Othello’s race
‘The colour of Othello’s skin is obviously a crucial factor in his downfall, because his visibly alien racial identity makes him and his bride far more vulnerable to the machinations of Iago’
Kiernan Ryan on Othello as a black man
‘his colour makes him feel like an alien, but where he’s entirely at home as a man’
Kiernan Ryan on Iago’s manipulations
‘‘The divine Desdemona’ (2.1.73) into the ‘subtle whore’ (4.2.21) he thinks every woman really is, and to turn the noble, eloquent Othello into a deranged wife-killer, who proves the racist’s worst fears fully justified’
Kiernan Ryan on Iago’s motivations
‘Iago is not that he’s an unfathomable psychopath, but that he’s pathologically normal and theatrically irresistible’
Key Quotes on Iago’s motivation
‘Mere prattle without practice’
‘I follow him to serve my turn upon him. We cannot all be masters, nor all masters cannot be truly followed’
‘I hate the Moor and it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets he has done my service’’
Key Quotes on manipulation
‘I am not what I am’
‘Though I do hate him as I do hell’s plains, Yet…I must show out a flag and sign of love’
‘As tenderly be led by the nose as asses are’
‘I do love her too…but partly to diet my revenge’
‘I am your own forever’
‘Oh help, ho! Light! Surgeon!…Enter Iago with a light ’
Key Quotes on race
‘Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe’
‘you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse, you’ll have your nephews neigh to you’
‘Foul charms, abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals’
‘Against all rules of nature’
‘She had eyes and chose me’
Key Quotes on evilness
‘Thou art a villian. You are a senator.’
‘Out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all’
‘Abused by some villainous knave’
‘From this time forth I never will speak a word’
Key Quotes on Othello’s characterization/downfall
‘My parts, my title and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly’
‘Rude I am in my speech’
‘I therefore beg it not to please the palate of my appetite’
‘The Moor already changes with my poison’
‘He foams at mouth…breaks out to savage madness’
‘A murder, which I thought a sacrifice’
Key Quotes on predestination
‘She has deceived her father and may thee’
‘Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners’
‘Shroud me in one of those same sheets’
Key Quotes on Desdemona’s characterization
‘A maiden never bold’
‘My heart’s subdued even to the very quality of my Lord’
‘O my fair warrior’
‘Our general’s wife is now the general’
‘Your wife my lord; your true and loyal wife’
‘A guiltless death I die’
‘Nobody; I myself. Farewell.’
Key Quotes on female sexuality/sex in general
‘With a greedy devour up my discourse’
‘It is merely a lust of the blood and a permission of the will’
‘When she is sated with his body’
‘Players in your housewifery, and housewives in your beds’
‘That we call these delicate creatures ours and not their appetites’
‘I have a pain upon my forehead here’
‘Laid his leg over my thigh, sighed, and kissed’
‘Hot, hot and moist’
‘With her, on her, what you will’
‘Strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated’
‘A closet lock and key of villainous secrets; yet she’ll kneel and pray’
‘Neither by this heavenly light; I might do’t as well i’th’dark’
‘This fair paper…made to write whore upon’
‘There’s money for your pains’
‘Else she’ll betray more men’
‘I can thy former light restore’
Key Quotes on love
‘She loved me for the dangers I had passed’
‘I do love her too…but partly to diet my revenge’
‘If thou dost love me, show me thy thoughts’
‘Strikes where it doth love’
‘Death’s unnatural that kills for loving’
‘Killing myself to die upon a kiss’
Key Quotes on jealousy
‘Poisonous mineral gnaw my inwards’
‘Green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on’
‘I do think the sun where he was born drew all such humors from him’
‘Not easily jealous but being wrought, perplexed in the extreme’
Key Quotes on marriage
‘The profit’s yet to come ‘tween me and you’
‘wife for wife’
‘Cassio, I love thee, but never more be officer of mine’
‘Our general’s wife is now the general’
‘I nothing but to please his fancy’
‘Pour our treasures into foreign laps’
Key Quotes on status
Of her own clime, complexion and degree’
‘I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial’
‘I had been happy if the general camp, pioneers and all, had tasted her sweet body so I had know nothing’
‘Fixed figure for the time of scorn’
Key Quotes on the ‘ocular proof’
‘To kiss and talk to’
‘your napkin is to little’
‘To lose’t or give’t away were such a perdition as nothing else could match’
Key Quotes on violence
‘I’ll tear her all to pieces’
‘I will chop her into messes’
Key Quotes on Cassio and Bianca
‘Throw your vile guesses in the devil’s teeth from whence you have them’
‘By my faith, Bianca’
‘Not that I love you not’
‘Out of her own love and flattery, not out of my promise’
‘Hangs and lolls and weeps upon me’
‘She’ll rail in the streets else’
Key Quotes on father-daughter relationship
‘I am glad at soul I have no other child, for thy escape would teach me tyranny’
‘I do perceive here a divided duty’
Key Quotes on mistrust of women
‘From hence trust not your daughters minds by what you see them act’
‘Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom’
Key Quotes on Father- empowerment
‘Let her have your voice’
‘That my wife is fair, feeds well, loves company, is free of speech, sings, plays and dances well’
‘There wives have sense like them: they see, and smell and have palates both for sweet and sour’
‘But of life as honest as you that thus abuse me’ ‘I will not charm my tongue; I am bound to speak’
‘Lay me by my mistress’ side’
Key Quotes on female submission
‘Look to your house, your daughter, and your bags! Thieves, thieves!’
‘Due to the Moor my Lord’
‘They are but stomachs and we all but food’