Othello - Key quotes Flashcards
“I know my price, I am worth n worse a place”.
Act One Scene One
Iago reflects his opinion that he deserves the job given to Othello and feels offended.
“I follow him to serve my return upon him”
Act One Scene One
Iago states that he is out to get revenge on Othello. He is openly treasonous.
“Heaven is my judge”
Said by Iago during Act One Scene One. Ironic as later in the play he is never ashamed or guilty and does not believe in the natural order.
“I will wear my heart upon my sleeve”
Act One Scene One
Iago expresses his feelings to everyone.
“I am not what I am”
Act One Scene One
Iago revels his façade to the audience.
“Rouse him” “Proclaim him” “Poison his delight”
Act One Scene One
Iago - dominance and influence over Cassio. Foreshadows his role in the chaos further on in the play.
“An old black ram is tupping your white ewe”
Act One Scene One
Said by Iago about Desdemona and Othello. Animalistic imagery and racism.
“It is too true and evil, gone she is”
Act One Scene One
Brabantio comments on Desdemona’s relationship.