Othello Criticism Flashcards
Love is “linked to …”
Gayle greene
Neely argues what about Emilia and about the central conflict?
The central conflict is between men and women (I disagree .. Iago)
Emilia is “dramatically and symbolically the play’s fulcrum”
French about sex:
Othello attempts to idealise sex out of existence
Neely about Desdemona catalysing the tragedy:
“Desdemona’s virtues catalyse othello’s sexual anxieties”
her sexuality and live “generate the tragedy”
Who argues about the transformation of tragedy ? Quote it
“S’s Tagus vision has matured in the 10 years since R and J and Othello, and we must look for a flaw in the couple themselves, in the man, in the woman, in their love”.. so not in society ?
Greene says Iago only had power over Othello’s mind because:
“His insinuations ring deeply true”
Greene suggests “ideals related to conventional conceptions of man and woman”
“Shakespeare suggests are misconceptions” and “Shakespeare implies a criticism of the ideals” of”honour” and “chastity”t
Leavis anagnorisis
There is no tragic self-discovery
Loomba on racial beliefs
Othello is a victim of racial beliefs because he becomes an agent of misogynistic ones
Violence loomba
Othello has a “propensity to violence”
Gayle Greene in Othello’s flaws
Othello is deficient in self awareness and judgement of others
Hawkes on masculinity
Othello is the “epitome” of the “ideal and standard of manly behaviour”
French on Iago:
Unadulteratedly masculine
He believes in control, reason, power, possession and individualism”
Iago is totally masculine
Honigmann on Iago :
Iago “enjoys a godlike sense of power” and talks about his humour
French on Cyprus:
There is, symbolically, no real civilisation