Othello Criticism Flashcards
“When we are reading…
…any of [Shakespeare’s] great criminal characters… we think not so much of the crimes which they commit as of the ambition, the aspiring spirit, the intellectual activity which prompts them to overleap those moral fences” - Charles Lamb
“The character of Iago…
…is so conducted that he is from the first scene to the last hated and despised.” - Dr Samuel Johnson
“Since his victims…
…lack humour, Iago appeals to us as more amusing: dramatic perspective compels us to see with his eyes and to share his ‘jokes’” - E.A.J Honigmann
“Othello really is…
…we cannot doubt, the stoic-captain whose few words know their full sufficiency.” - F.R Leavis
“Othello is a…
…victim of racial beliefs precisely because he becomes an agent of misogynist ones” - Ania Loomba
“As a Moor…
…he is clearly presented as Other, but not necessarily an offensive Other; the qualifier noble Moor does not extricate him from the realm of the exotic, yet it undermines the perception of him as evil” -Elliott Butler-Evans
“Tragedy, for Shakespeare…
…is the genre of uncompensated suffering.” - David Scott Kastan
“Tragedy with Shakespeare…
…is concerned always with persons of ‘high degree’” - A.C Bradley
“Emilia’s love…
…(of Desdemona) is Iago’s undoing” - E.A.J Honigmann
“The English saw Venice…
…as a place for female deviance …female ‘openness’ was dangerous and immoral” - Ania Loomba
“Othello is both…
…a fantasy of interracial love and social tolerance, and a nightmare of racial hatred and male violence.” - Ania Loomba
“Because Othello is needed…
…in order to combat the Turks, the senate is willing to regard him as “more fair than black” but for Desdemona’s father such colour-blindness is not possible.” - Ania Loomba
“[Cyprus] is an…
…uneasy middle ground between civilization, represented by ‘The City’ Venice and Desdemona, and ancient chaos, identified with the Turks, Iago and the savage origins of Othello himself.” David M. Zesmer
“In short a…
…habit of self-approving self- dramatision is an essential element in Othello’s make-up” - F R Leavis
“Although a wife herself…
…[Emilia] seems to mediate between wives and whores, between Desdemona and Bianca.” - James L Calderwood
“Othello’s tragedy is…
…that …he is living the life of a chivalric warrior in a world run by money and self-interest.” - Sean McEvoy
“Dramatic perspective can…
…even make us the villain’s accomplices: he confides in us, so we watch his plot unfolding from his point of view.” - E.A.J Honigmann
“Othello’s nature is…
…all of one piece. His trust where he trusts is absolute. Hesitation is almost impossible to him.” - A.C. Bradley
“Othello does not…
…Kill Desdemona in jealousy, but in a conviction forced upon him by the almost superhuman art of Iago” - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
“[Desdemona] is shown…
…to be so pure that she cannot conceive of the impurity Othello accuses her of, and so obedient that she goes to bed to be murdered” - Felicity Rosslyn
“[Shakespeare] made the…
…bravest warrior onstage a woman (Desdemona)” - Joan Ozark Holmer