Othello: Context Flashcards
Renaissance drama had black men and moors portrayed negativley, Such as Aaron the Moor in Titus Andronicus.
Only behaves as his stereotype of animalistic, lustful and murderous when corrupted by Iago
Othello is a racial outsider to Venice, Shakespeare stresses noble origins and his power and status as a general
Many in the renaissance believed black people where fit only to be slaves. Subverted by depiciton of noble moor
Associated with Witchcraft (seen through Brabantio)
Idea of “genetic purity”.
“A racial and religious melting pot”
Preoccuputation with good and eveil underlines the plays context
Desdemona is linked to good, reference to heaven. Iago linked to bad, assocition with hell and the devil.
Othello is a convert, subscribes to christain values. Knows in Anagnorisis the hellish fate that awaits.
Iago has Athestic attitudes, (see before he the “Drown thyself…” Act1 Scene 3), makes it more clear to a jacobean audience not to trust him
Setting: Venice & Cyprus
Venice is associated with power, romance and high culture. But also one of promisciety due to Courtesans (e.g Cassio “A customer!” in reference to Bianca Act 4”)
Italy associated with villainy, decadance and corruption.
Cyprus as an isolated location symbolise isolation of and threats to desd and othello
Military setting in a play about marriage underlines the conflict between public and private life.
Patriarchy & Gender (1)
Female loyalty/control is a key part in masculine honour
Objectified by men, prized for beauty or insulted as whores
Renaissance/Jacobean Women where subordinate to men and ruled by them
Legal possessions of men, fathers and husbands treated as objects
Assertive Women considered a threat to the social order. Desdemona asserts her right to live with Othello. Also decieved her fathe.
Positive portryal of Emilia suggests assertiveness is not always a threat
Patriarchy & Gender (2)
Othello is asily convicned desd is cuckholdig him
Class differences/reputation. Desd vs Bianca. But both called whores
Shakespeare follows tropes for Aristolian Tragedy
Tragic hero has to have some kind of power, a change of fortune and a moment of realisation.
Idea that audience experience catharrsis/release of emotion as hero suffers death
Jacobean tragedy’s revolve around an obsession with death, sexual passion and physical decay. Sin was always associated with sexuality.
Additonally, idea of the revenge play in Jacobean tragedies. protagonist seeking revenge for a perceived injustice.