Othello character context + analysis Flashcards
The battle of wills between Othello and Iago can be seen as conflict between ________ _________ and _______ of ______
European colonisation
Freedom of identity
Initially Othello credits the power of ____ but ultimately his ….
Insecurities and thirst for self assurance along with power are autocratic
Othello is as much a victim to _______ as he is to Iago’s deceit
Othello uses _____ _____
Military jargon
Othello’s ______ speech and _____ arguments are atypical of the stereotypes tethered to black men during the ________ & _________ eras
Give some words to describe Othello
Astute , intuitive , forthright , pugnacious , belligerent , bellicose , tragic hero , articulate , intelligent , eloquent diction, steadfast
Othello is susceptible to _____ cunning tactics
Othello is the ______ character
Othello is the _________ hero
At the beginning of the play Othello can be described as ….
The leader The mediator The doting husband The lover The gullible disciple The rational thinker
How is Othello the mediator at the beginning of the play
Sculpted to be prudent, pragmatic level headed individual who seeks to resolve conflict - “keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them” A1 S2 - indicates he is adverse to brutality as a remedy for conflict - contradicts the toxic masculinity that demarcates tragic heroes in literature such as Beowulf & Macbeth
Othello is a theatrically effective ______
How is Othello the leader
An ambassador to the “moors” - dedicated to “love and duty” antithesis to Iago e.g. he demotes Cassio despite fervent homosocial bond “Cassio i love thee, / But never more be officer of mine” delineates Othello’s willingness to sacrifice loyalty to remain a exemplary leader
an affinity for peacemaking & ability to rouse others which emulates messiah-type persona - Othello is black so this portrayal is a controversial statement for the JE due to excessive whitewashing of the church
how is Othello the doting husband
Mutual respect between Othello and his partner, cherishes her for not only her body + childbearing duty - Othello trusts Desdemona’s opinions “let her speak of me to her father” A1 S3 breaks gender conventions by inviting Desdemona into the debate as typically women= no authority especially in the public sphere
“She loved me for the dangers i passed/ and i loved her that she did pity them” A1 S3 elucidates marriage should be a vigorous union - a meeting of perspectives NOT authority over another when deterioration begins
how is Othello the lover
Love elevates Othello’s spirit - speech brimmed with joy- “my souls joy … wakened death” A2 S1 + “the greatest discords be/ that e’er our hearts shall make” = an optimist bolstered by the vigour love offers him - together they can face even “death” = ultimate goal for lovers
References to music + nature has strong parallels with traditional love poetry intensifying the brawn of his love
How is Othello the gullible disciple
Unwavering in his faith for Desdemona’s loyalty “if she be false , O then heaven mocks itself” A3 S3 trust overpowers self doubt + insecurity declaration combined with celestial imagery depicts Othello aligning his certainty about Desdemona along with his certainty about God her honesty chisels his worldview once impaired Othello will unravel - he idolises her unrealistic expectoration = naive
Othello is impetuous + blind trust in Iago - trusted confidante - refers to Iago as “good Iago” A2 S1 “most honest” A2 S3 “full of love and honesty” A3 S3 - leads to downfall gives Iago ability to manipulate Othello’s malleable psyche
how is Othello the rational thinker
Shakespeare implies Othello will be resistant to Iago’s ploys as he is conscious of his weaknesses - he dismisses jealousy as a fools errand pledging allegiance to logic instead
Employs a willingness to communicate “to be once in doubt ….. when i doubt prove” A3 S3 - Shakespeare hints at Othello’s hubris he has an overconfident tone “on the proof … love or jealousy” immune to feelings that compromise pragmatism - when truly these feelings consume him
At the end of the play Othello can be described as …
Th tortured soul
The warrior
The judge, jury and executioner
The cuckold
How is Othello the tortured soul
Othello’s resolve crumbles within A3 & gives into paranoia + doubt “thou hast set me on a rack” A3 S3 metaphor - connotes medieval methods of torture - Iago’s growing power - incessant doubts plaguing his mind - he laments “farewell the tranquil mind! Farewell content!” A3 S3 solidifying this -foreboding
Othello’s nemesis is his own mind relies now on physical proof demands Iago gives him “the ocular proof” his obsession with evidence is a precursor to the handkerchief ordeal
How is Othello the warrior
Previously we saw Othello’s strategic thinking later we witness the bloodthirsty side of his army background - illustrates Othello’s regression to a warmongering soldier - loses authority becoming a foot solider to Iago “farewell […] pride, pomp and the circumstance of glorious war” A3 S3 - the glorification/glamorisation of violence - manhood tied to his “occupation” now feels disconnected from his role
How is Othello the judge, jury and executioner
Cut adrift from everything he knows as a result becomes insidiously self reliant - worldview narrows - executes a death warrant for Cassio and Desdemona “to confess and be hanged for his labour. First to be hanged and then to confess” paradoxical statement emulates his broken state of mind A4 S1 craves death of his enemies immoral
Iago suggests O kill D in “her bed” Othello replies “the justice of it pleases” A4 S1 his lawfulness is now centred around his desires - an inflated ego - “perfect soul” corrupted
how is Othello the cuckold
His identity is reduced to being a cuckold upon Desdemona’s supposed betrayal - highly humiliating seeks revenge for what he has been denied but offered to others - vengeance comes in the form of murder + suffering speech full of “death and damnation” an insight into his mental state contradictory to peacemaker of A1
“I will chop her into messes. cuckold me” remark reveals his fixation on being cuckolded to reinstate masculinity Desdemona , a symbol of his insecurity, must die - supported by “yet she must die, else she’ll betray more men” A5 S1 Othello believes he fights for all men D’s death is symbolic of mens victory
Describe Othello’s relationship with Desdemona
Othello entertained Desdemona with tales of his life in foreign lands - she began to fetishise him - Others disapprove of their union due to Othello’s outsider status but this is one of the reasons she loves him
Initially he is a devout husband worshipping her as well as respecting her
Throughout the play their contrasting perspectives on duty + warfare are illuminated so easily manipulated by Iago e.g. Cassios demotion
Later their marriage is reduced to the traditional dynamic of a man battling for authority over his wife
Shakespeare portrays the malignancy of ___ _____ and _______ through Othello demonstrating …
Self doubt and insecurity
… male insecurity in their masculinity so his doubts are generalisable despite racial barriers
Othello’s love for Desdemona is usurped by his ________
Describe Othello’s relationship with Iago
Views Iago as advisor + close friend - seeks his counsel but this undermined from A1 S1 where Iago confesses his resentment for Othello to Roderigo - relationship imbalanced
Othello’s regard = genuine Iago’s loyalty = facade
Othello unaware that promoting Cassio offended Iago - believes he deserves a reward for his friendship
Iago manipulates Othello’s doubts and weaknesses emulating Capitalism’s competitiveness guiding him towards his Aristotelian downfall
Othello’s commitment to his job is an obstacle to ….
Forming authentic connections
Othello is convinced by Iago of Desdemona’s infidelity and this depicts ….
The sovereignty of male homosocialism in society
How can Iago and Othello’s relationship be interpreted?
As an allegory for colonialism - Iago the white man demolishes Othello’s identity replacing it with his own
Othello and Iago are the _______ of an abusive relationship
Epitome - becomes increasingly dependent on Iago so he becomes his moral conscience spurring him on & gaslighting him
Describe Othello and Brabantio’s relationship
Used to be very close to Othello
Views Othello’s union to Desdemona as unnatural - fight for ownership of Desdemona a prominent barrier to male friendship
Initially comfortable with Othello’s race tantalised by his ‘exotic tales’ until he is involved with Desdemona - this switch reveals society’s fear of the other
Othello inherits Brabantio’s anxieties of having __________ stolen from him
Describe Othello’s relationship with Cassio
A formal aspect to their relationship - jeopardises their relationship chooses duty over friendship & demotes Cassio
A catalyst for the conflict between Othello & Desdemona - Desdemona lobbies for Cassio’s reinstatement
The issue of Cassio becomes a linchpin for the marriages collapse
Othello’s ________ is fetishised arguably Othello is aware of this ________ fetishising and accentuates his ________ when he speaks
Analyse the quote “let him do his spite” A1 S2
Eloquent diction - articulate
Naive believes his position in the military will shield him
No intention of engaging in conflict - outlines pacifist views
Powerful laconic cementing role as a leader
Analyse the quote “shall out-tongue his complaints” A1 S2
Believes despite his race + Brabantio being an indigenous member of white society his love for Desdemona will prevail
Supremely confident in his military powers + confidence in his narrative control “out-tongue” - a post modern reader may consider this as critic Stephen Greenblatt terms ‘self-fashioning’ causing them to question Othello’s seemingly trustworthy character
Typical Aristotelian hero = high status , hubris
Analyse the quote “my parts, my title and my perfect soul” A1 S2
Language is elevated, balanced and poetic in this tricolon
Transcends prejudice + depicts his intelligence
“Perfect” = hubristic - he lists all that is significant to him - Iago demolishes each of these to induce his Aristotelian downfall
analyse the quote “keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them” A1 S2
Messiah-type persona has the ability to rouse/control others - this further breeds Iagos rampant/unbridled jealousy
An affinity for peacemaking - a mediator - authoritative
Strange embellished language to establish power “dew” = exotic + mystical “keep” = military order - unique combination of words
Reminiscent of the Roman soldiers’ arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane - Shakes draws a parallel between Othello + Christian God
analyse the quote “most potent, grave, reverend signiors” A1 S3
Demonstrates reverence through eloquent diction
Aware of status in society IOW it’s significance
Soliloquy controls the perception of others whilst preempting negative portrayals of him - self-fashions through performative speech
Analyse the quote “i have ta’en away this old man’s daughter. It is most true; true, i have married her” A1 S3
Chiastic structure - pre-meditated + measured speech - the verb “ta’en away” is inverted to become “married” suggesting he will also alter others perceptions
Semi colon acts like a mirror - Othello’s speech is performative (a post modern viewer would argue)
Classical device employed to depict Othello’s confidence
analyse the quote “let her speak of me before her father” A1 S3
Atypically permits Desdemona’s to have a say in the debate
A union between equals - suggests a prosperous marriage
Elucidates his confidence in their love foreshadowing destabilisation of articulate character due to loss of faith in her loyalty
Perhaps she is a spokesperson for him - his mouthpiece to climb up the Jacobean hierarchy + garner respect
analyse the quote “the cannibals that each other eat” A1 S3
Measured + logical speech
Attempts to entice/ intrigue his superiors by employing his exoticism - attempts to circumvent consequences
Tells the stories Brabantio previously fetishised before Iago’s machinations warped his intrepid and valiant perception of Othello
Othello = orator
Audaciously defends his love for Desdemona - demonstrates the ability to protect - desired in a suitor
Mentions the “anthropophagi” to further enrapture his peers + the audience - the play form offers direct communication to Othello
analyse the quote “the cannibals that each other eat” A1 S3
Measured + logical speech
Attempts to entice/ intrigue his superiors by employing his exoticism - attempts to circumvent consequences
Tells the stories Brabantio previously fetishised before Iago’s machinations warped his intrepid and valiant perception of Othello - brings Desdemona out of domestic sphere
Othello = orator - his language is his witchcraft ironically language and the power of suggestion later unravels him
Audaciously defends his love for Desdemona - demonstrates the ability to protect - desired in a suitor
Mentions the “anthropophagi” to further enrapture his peers + the audience
Analyse the quote “she loved me for the dangers I had pass’d, and i loved her that she did pity them” A1 S3
Desdemona “devoured” his sensual and captivating language - feeds his hubris + ego
Reciprocal nature of love their love is based on understanding - a foundational aspect
IOW Othello adored Desdemona’s compassion as she strokes his ego with extreme adoration
Audience considers if he truly loves Desdemona as an individual OR loves her admiration
End of passionate + sensual soliloquy delineates how captivating his language is
Analyse the quote “My life upon her faith” A1 S3
Desdemona is the centre of his universe - a weakness for Iago to exploit - once her faith is questioned Othello begins to unravel - proleptically hints to his own downfall
Her appraisal feeds his ego warding off his insecurities once gone he is destabilised mentally & emotionally - she is his shield against society’s prejudices