Othello AO5!!! Flashcards
McCulloch: What hurts Othello far more than losing Desdemona….
(Othello as a tragedy, characterisation)
is losing the equanimity he needs to do his job
McCulloch: Othello is at war….
(Othello as a tragedy,characterisation)
with himself and cannot win
Wheale: Observing a tragic event chills us with shock…
(Othello as a tragedy, characterisation)
and moves us with compassionate pity, making us realise the fragility and vulnerability of human life
Greer: The story of us all…
(Othello as a tragedy, characterisation)
the weakness inherent within every human being.
Wheale: The play provides the focus for the …
(Othello as a tragedy, characterisation)
most powerful male motivation of renaissance tragedy - revenge.
Ryan: Shakespeare produced in Othello a searing critique of….
(Race and Gender)
racial and sexual injustice, which is more powerful now in the 21st century than it ever could have been at the dawn of the 17th
Ryan: Othello’s vulnerability as a black outsider
(Race and Gender)
who unconsciously shares the white perception of his blackness
Loomba: Othello is both a
(Race and Gender)
fantasy of interracial love and a nightmare of racial hatred and male violence
Loomba: Othello’s is a victim of racial beliefs because
(Race and Gender)
he becomes an agent of misogynistic ones
Bradley: Othello does not
(Race and Gender)
belong to our world
Block: Shakespeare frequently uses prose…capturing the way soldiers… tend to
(Masculinity and identity)
hide their true feelings behind a mask of witty worldly toughness
Jardine: A stereotype of….
female passivity
Newman: Iago is culturally
Honingman: Iago enjoys a
god like sense of power
Wendel: Emilia is a symbol of
(Emilia, gender)