Othello: Act 1 Flashcards


Summarize Othello Act 1


Act 1 Summary:

  • Night time in the streets of Venice, where Rodrigo and Iago discuss Othellos secret marriage to Desdemona.
  • Rodrigo loves Desdemona, he’s mad that Iago didn’t tell him before hand, because Iago is Othello’s chief Officer.
  • Iago actually hates othello, because Othello passed him over for promotion.
  • Iago tells Rodrigo that they should go and wake up Desdemona’s father (Brobantio) and say that Desdemona ran off with a black man.
  • Brabantio doesn’t find Desdemona in her room, causing him to gather men, and go looking for Desdemona and Othello, being the only black person.
  • Brabantio and his men find Othello.
  • Brabantio wants to arrest Othello for using witchcraft for Desdemona to fall in love with him, thinking that a white girl wouldn’t fall for someone black.
  • Othello was on his way to see the Duke, who summoned him to a military mission, so they all go to the Duke.
  • Duke hears both sides, however Desdemona steps forward claiming that she actually loves Othello and that no witchcraft was involved.
  • The Duke sends othello away to defend the island of Sypresu being invaded by the Turkish navy.
  • Othello tells Iago to bring Desdemona to Sypreus after him.
  • Iago tells Rodergio to sell his lands and follow them to Sypreus, where he’ll have his chance to get together with Desdimona.
  • Iago hates Othello, because Othello is rumoured to have slept with his wife, Emilia.
  • Iago is going to get revenge by making Othello suspect that Desdemona is sleeping with the armies 2nd in command, Cassio.
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