othello Flashcards
Old black ram tipping. your white ewe
animalistic races D- pure & innocence tipping - violent
witch-lust & sexual deviance - interracial
old husband& young wife - traditional
ram - force
you use B as victim of disorder
more fair than black
Duke white honour black=wicked innocence guilt fair: gentlemanly black-race & ugliness virtue can be beautiful then o is & goodness
valiant parts
repetition - despite race has good reputation from military place
honourable murderer -. all in honour not hate
ending :
done service, speakof me as I am
v loved not wisely but too well
not easily jealous.
reputation don’t downplay crime
like base Indian
throw pearl away
pearl= Desdemona worth more
circuincised dog (Stabs himself)
Why honour outlive honesty
letit all go
making beast
barbary house
inbreed animalistic dehumanise
foul thief
enchanted her foul charms
drugged her-spell a her :
rather be toad
rather be toad than share thing I love - othello
purchase made/ profits yet to come
purchase like marriage= gain, prize, not enjoyed benefits -
rahter lost my purse
noble moor true of mind (desd)
lose cmoney than love
husband no inferior qualoity - not jealous
weak merits
draw fear or doubt
not worry of her being unfaithful = he is not desirable
moor is free & open nature - think men honest
gullible & trusting
hand that gave away my heart (desdemona)
motif of head like her moist hand
i am black- not soft parts of convo
dont have pleasing qualities in oscial behaviour
maybe too old