Othello Flashcards
for I am black’
- self deprecating comments, insecure obsessions with rep and honour
‘good sir, be
a man’
‘exceeding honesty’ othello>iago
‘I am not what I am’ iago
‘men should be what they seem’ iago
‘I follow him to serve my turn upon him’ iago>othello
‘reputation is an idle’ iago
iago evilness
‘I’ll pour this pestilence into his ear’
‘even now, now, very now, your old black ram is tupping your white ewe’
‘monstrous birth to the worlds light’
‘my sport and profit’, ‘twix my sheets’
Desdemona TOW
‘deceived her father and may thee’ + ‘she did deceive her father, marrying you’
‘for she has eyes and chose me’ othello
‘I have not deserved this’
‘if it were now to die, there now to be most happy’ othello
‘not another comfort like this’ othello
‘o my fear warrior!’ ‘my dear othello’
‘o beware my lord of jealousy […] green eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on’
othello as an outsider
‘for haply I am black’
‘I know our country disposition well’ iago
‘husband hath a hundred times wooed me to steal it’
‘they are not ever jealous for the cause, but jealous for they’re jealous’
‘I might do’t as well i’th’ dark
othello angry
‘O monstrous! monstrous!’
‘I’ll tear her to pieces’
‘each drops she falls would prove a crocodile’ womans tears
stage direction O+I
[they rise]
othello - it is the cause, it is the cause
othello - put out the light and then put out the light’
Des + Emi
willow song
‘but I do think it is their husbands fault if wives do fall’
‘when they change us for others? is it sport?’
John keats abt shakespeare
negative capability -
to be doubtful, ambiguous: see a character in many directions and not see which view is right