Othello Flashcards
3.3 Iago
In Venice they let God see the pranks they dare not show their husbands
1.3 Brabantio
‘Moor if thou hast eyes to see, she deceived her father and may thee’
3.3 In the temptation scene, Iago speaks and Othello is convinced
‘She did deceive her father’
Othello replies: ‘So she did’
Iago’s age
four times 7
Iago on Othello and Desdemona
‘A frail vow betwixt an erring barbarian and super subtle venetian’
Desdemona doesn’t want to leave Othello
‘Did love the moor’ ‘bereft to leave him’
Othello is impotent and basically doesn’t just want Desdemona for sex
‘Vouch with me heaven. Not to please the palate of my appetite’ ‘in my defunct’
Othello loves order
When Iago is slagging off Roderigo saying he ‘spoke such scurvy against your honour’ and said he wished he ‘yerked him under the ribs’ Othello responds with ‘Tis better as it is’.
Later when Brabantio’s men come for him he says ‘put down your bright swords, dew will rust them’ showing he doesnt want to fight.
This is further echoed when he says ‘Are we turned turks…for Christian shame put by this barbarous brawl’ after the fight scene of Act 2 scene 3.
Desdemona’s names for Othello
My fair warrior
When Desdemona meets Othello again after the journey
‘The heavens forbid but that our love and comfort should grow as our days increase’
Percentage of Iago in the play
Iago has ‘32.5% of the words’ and ‘43% of the lines’
The role of ensign
Iago is ensign. Othello trusts ‘my wife’ with ‘my ancient’’. ensign is actually not as low a role as people today may be led to believe, in fact it is actually 3rd in command.
How many times is Iago called honest
When does Othello first call Iago honest
act 1.3. He says he trusts Iago with his wife because he is a man of ‘honesty and trust’
Why does Iago think it is wrong that he hasnt been chosen for lieutenant
‘Not I for I love duty’
How does Iago see human constructs
‘Virtue is a fig. Our bodies are gardens to which our wills are gardeners’ reputation is ‘an idle and most false imposition’ love is ‘merely lust of blood and permission of the will’
what is one motive of Iago specifically to do with Emilia
‘I hate the moor and it is thought abroad that he betwixt my sheets’
How does Iago try to make out that Othello is an irresponsible leader
Iago says our general cast us thus early for the love of his Desdemona
What does Othello say when they are first meant to consummate their marriage
‘come, my dear love the profits made, the fruits ensue the profits’
what does Othello say to ensure that Desdemona is dead
‘Cold, cold my girl? even like thy chastity’
How does Othello back up his love for Desdemona
‘For I love the gentle Desdemona that I would not my unhoused free condition put into circumpscription for the seas worth’
How long has Othello lived as a civililian
‘Nine moons’
How does Iago describe Cassio’s bachelor status
‘A fellow almost damned in fair wife’ The fact he is damned is interesting, shows that he thinks marriage is a curse.
What does Othello say of marriage
‘O curse of marriage’