OT- Our Approach to Scripture Flashcards
Without error
It won’t fail
relatable to humans
Greek word meaning origins
Genesis is written by:
Verbal Inspiration
Verbal=exact words Inspiration= to breathe into
Structure of the Book
There are 10 accounts, each account records the subsequent history of the person or thing named.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Sun, moon, stars
Day 5
Creatures that live in the sea and that fly.
Day 6
Man kind and land animals
Give evidence from the creation account that we should understand the word “day” as a 24 hours period of time.
The Bible says that their was evening and that their was morning.
Where did God put water in relation to the sky or expanse.
It is in between the waters
What was God’s purpose in creating the sun,moon, and stars. ( 2 answers)
- When we know it’s day and night.
-To keep seasons, dates, and years.
What does it mean when God gave animals the ability to reproduce “ according to their kinds”
This means that God gave animals and life the ability to create more of the same kind to continue Gods creation.
Which came first: the chicken or the egg.
The chicken because God created a kind and then from that kind he gave them the ability to reproduce.
Would Adam have seen rings on the trees
Yes because God made trees with age.
What is the “image of God”
Everything is created perfectly. God has perfect knowledge.
What is NOT the right way to think of “the image of God”
That we look like God.
Why should we take care of this world
Out of honor and respect to God. God gave us this world.
What must our response be to God’s creative work (First article)
Pray, serve, thank, obey, praise
What does LORD mean
Yahweh- God of grace,love,and promises (keeps them)
What does Lord mean
What are the two trees and what were their purposes.
Tree of life- to give life
Tree of knowledge of good and evil- a way for Adam and Eve to honor and worship God.
From what did God make man and how does this humble us
He made us from dust. We are not that great but God makes us great
How can we develop an attitude that sees work as a joyful service to God.
We can appreciate all that God has done for us.
GENISIS 2:16-17 What was the one command God gave concerning the Garden.
That you can eat from any tree, just not from the bad tree.
What consequences would you get from eating of the bad tree.
Sin would enter the world and you would die.
What did God use Adams job of naming the animals to point out to Adam.
That Adam didn’t have a partner yet.
TRUE OR FALSE- Eves role makes her inferior to Adam
FALSE- Her role does not label her value.
What are the 3 phrases that help us understand the essence of marriage- describe them.
Leave- your old life and start anew
Be united- never leave each others side and think of we instead of I
Become one flesh- sexual intimacy.
Why did God delay the growth of certain plants.
Their was no man to work the ground.
What are the first five books of the Bible known as.
the Torah/Pentateuch