OT domain and framework Flashcards
Occupation definition ( Def)
1) Occupations are various kinds of activities in which individuals, groups or populations engage.
2) Occupations occur in context
3) Influenced by the interplay among client factors, performance skills and performance patterns.
4) Occupations occur over time
5) Have purpose, meaning, and perceived utility to the clients
5) Can be observed by others or be known only to the person involved.
6) Occupations can involve the execution of multiple activities for completion and can result in various outcomes.
Client factors (Def)
Specific capacities, characteristics or beliefs that reside within the person and that influence performance in occupations.
Performance skills ( Def)
1) Goal- directed actions
2) Are observable as small units of engagement in daily life occupations.
3) Learned and developed over time and are situated in specific contexts and environments
Performance patterns ( Def)
Habits, routines, roles and rituals used in the process of engaging in occupations or activities; these patterns can support or hinder occupational performance
Context and environment ( Def)
A variety of interrelated conditions that are within and surrounding the client.
Occupational justice
1) Recognises occupational rights to inclusive participation in everyday occupations for all persons in society, regardless of age, ability, gender, social class or other differences
Occupations catégorisation
1) ADLs
2) IDALs
3) Rest and sleep
4) Education
5) Work
6) Play
7) Leisure
8) Social participation
ADLs ( Def+ Example)
1) Def: activities oriented toward taking care of one’s own body
2) Example: bathing/ showering, toilet ting/ toilet hygiene, dressing, swallowing/ eating, feeding, functional mobility, personal device care, personal hygiene and grooming, sexual activity
IADLs ( Def+ Example)
1) Def: Activities to support daily life within the home and community, often require more complex interactions than those used in ADLs
2) Example: Care of others, care of pets, child rearing, driving and community mobility, communication management, financial management, health management and maintenance, house establishment and management, meal preparation and cleanup, religious and spiritual activities and expression, safety and emergency maintenance, shopping
Rest and Sleep ( Def+ categorisation))
1) Def: Activities related to obtaining restorative rest and sleep to support healthy, active engagement in other occupations
2) Categorisation: Rest, sleep preparation, sleep participation
Education ( Def+ categorisation)
1) Def: Activities needed for learning. and participating in the educational environment
2) Categorisation: Formal education participation, Informal personal educational needs/. interests exploration, informal personal education participation
Work ( Def+ categorisation)
1) Def: Labor or exertion; committed occupations with or without financial rewards
2) Categorisatoin: Employment interests and pursuits
Engaging in quiet and effortless actions that interrupt physical and mental activity, resulting in a relaxed state
Sleep participation
1) Engage in routines that prepare the self for a comfortable rest
2) Prepare the physical environment for the period of unconsciousness
Sleep participation
Taking care of personal needs for sleep