Osteoporosis, RA & Gout Flashcards
Uricemia due to excess synthesis, diet intake, or excess cell turnover
What activates NFkB?
What governs the formation & activation of osteoclasts?
Indication for DULOXETINE
SNRI used to tx OA
increased risk for constipation
What are tophi?
large aggregations of monosodium urate crystals surrounded by intense inflammatory reaction
What is a pathognomonic hallmark of gout?
What is an absolute CI for tx of RA w/ MTX?
MOA of uricosuric drugs
lower serum urate levels by increasing urate fractional excretion by kidneys
MOA & use of prednisone
short term use in tx for RA until DMARD effects are seen
Sxs of OA
localized pain, stiffness, tenderness, crepitus, bone spurs (joint mice)
late choice biologic DMARD (limited efficacy)
recombo version of endogenous human IL-1 receptor antagonist
AEs of SERMs (raloxifene)
MOA & use of infliximab
biologic DMARD, monoclonal AB v TNFa
IV every 6 weeks
MOA & use of tofacitinib
biologic DMARD, JAK3 antagonist
orally active
MOA & use of tocilizumab
biologic DMARD, humanized anti IL-6 receptor AB
decrease acute phase response of liver in RA
MOA of febuxostat
non purine, non competitive xanthine oxidase inhibitor
reduce urate levels in pts w/ allopurinol intolerance
MOA & use of pegloticase
PEGylated version of recombo mammal uricase
tx chronic gout in those refractory to conventional tx
What is NOT altered by use of NSAIDs or glucocorticoids in RA?
disease progression
What should pts take if on MTX or sulfasalazine in tx of RA?
B9 (folate) supplement
What hormone acts to increase free Ca2+ levels in plasma?
increases bone breakdown, promotes reabsorption of Ca2+ in kidney & promotes generation of calcitriol
Indication & AEs of Ca2+ salts
diet supplement in teen & post meno Fs to facilitate bone growth or limit bone loss
AEs w/ constipation, lethargy, polyuria, kidney stones