Osteopathic Approach To Cervicogenic Headache Flashcards
Describe the direction to which the following suboccipital triangle muscles move:
- Obliquus capitis superior will SB to which side?
- Obliquus capitis inferior will Rotate to which side?
- Rectus capitis posterior major: Bilateral contraction will lead to ___ and unilateral contraction will SB/R to the __ side
SB same side
R same side
B/L contraction –> extension
U/L contraction –> SB/R same side
The Myodural bridge is the fascia and tendon of ___ with surrounding perivascular sheaths. It forms the posterior OA membrane and directly fuse with the spinal dura between ___ (think Cervical levels). It is a direct anatomic link between MSK system and dura mater and a possible mechanism for eliciting pain in occipital regions
Rectus capitis posterior minor
C1-2 and C2-3
Describe the movements for the SCM:
- Unilateral contraction:
- Bilateral contraction:
Unilateral –> SB towards R away
Bilateral–> flexion of head and neck
What are the functions of the trapezius?
Primary elevator and adductor of UE
Describe the movements of semispinalis, splenius capitis, and longissimus capitis:
- Collectively b/l contraction will __
- Splenius capitis and longissimus capitis unilateral contraction will SB/R to the __ side
- Semispinalis capitis unilateral contraction will Rotate ___
Same side
Rotate away
Unilateral contraction of multifidi and rotators will help rotate ___
Intertransversarii muscles during bilateral contraction will lead to ___. Unilateral contraction will SB to the __ side
Same side
This tract coordinates eye and neck movements
This CN converges with upper cervical segments and thought to increase efferent motor to spinal neurons –> increased muscle tension (viscerosomatic reflex)
This CN has motor to trapezius and SCM. Some sensory afferents that may converge to TNC
Spinal accessory
These peripheral nerves innervate the zygapophyseal joints, uncovertebral joints, discs, cervical muscles, ligaments, vertebral a., cervical spinal dura, posterior scalp, lower layer of tentorium cerebelli. Afferents from these structures converge with TNC in the cord
Sympathetics are dense in the dura and along blood vessels. The superior cervical ganglia are located anterior to ___, has preganglionic fibers from ___, and postganglionic fibers to vascculature and mucous membranes of the head
These peripheral nerves innervate the posterior scalp. Neuropathy of these nerves lead to occipital neuralgia
Greater and lesser occipital nerves (C1-3)
This neuralgia is characterized by deep dull pain that radiates from occiput to parietal/temporal/frontal/periorbital. It also has paroxysmal sharp/shock pain superimposed over constant pain. Ipsilateral eye lacrimation and conjunctival injection is common
C2 neuralgia
This neuralgia is characterized by somatic dysfunction associated with whiplash injury. Pain is transmitted to frontotemporal and periorbital regions
C3 neuralgia
Cause of CHA is cervical somatic dysfunction and often ___ dysfunction. 50% of whiplash pts with chronic pain have ___ joint pain (the vertebral level)
OA and AA
Upper cervical/suboccipital spasm induces tension transmitted through ___ and elicits head pain
Myodural bridge
C1 and 2 facets produce pain in __ region via the greater occipital n.
Posterior auricular
What is your diff dx in cervicogenic ha?
Occipital neuralgia
Migraine with and without aura
Tension-type headaches
Mixed-type headaches
What sort of CC would you expect to find in your H & P of a CHA pt?
Moderate to severe deep, non-throbbing/non-lancinating pain
Where is the location of the HA in CHA?
Occipital, frontal, temporal, or orbital regions
Unilateral head or face pain without sideshift
What sort of radiation pattern is followed in CHA?
Ipsilateral head, neck, shoulder and arm
Non radicular in nature generally
Scalp paresthesias or dysesthesia
What tissue texture changes do you find in CHA?
Upper cervical (OA/AA, C2-4), suboccipital muscle tension and stiffness in mobility
What asymmetries do you find in CHA?
Asymmetry of head and neck position with shoulders
What restriction of motion do you find with CHA?
Restriction of cervical rotation (active nad passive motion), restriction of motion AA (C1-2)
What is tender in CHA?
Pain induced by motion, palpation; Myofascial trigger points –> suboccipital, C2, C3, C4 tenderness; Suboccipital, cervical or shoulder girdle pain referred to ipsilateral head
Manipulation has what effect on afferents (to the spinal cord) and efferents (to paraspinal muscles) as well as connective tissue and joints?
Manipulation decreases join AFFERENT stimulus to cord –> decreases EFFERENT motor to paraspinal muscle –> releases strain on CT and joints
Which OMM technique may be contraindicated for CHA patients?
This group of muscles level the occiput and temporal bones to the horizon and optimize functioning of visual and vestibular systems
Suboccipital triangle muscles