OSPF Flashcards
OSPF Traits
1) Open Shortest Path First
2) link-state protocol
3) v2 only supports IPv4; v3 supports both IPv4 and IPv6
4) Dijkstra algorithm
5) triggered incremental updates
6) Classless
7) Protocol 89
OSPF Autonomous System (AS)
- a collection of networks under a common administration that shares a common routing strategy.
- sometimes called a domain
- can be divided into several areas
- if either the redistribute or default-information originate commands are used, that makes it an ASBR
- group of contiguous networks and attached hosts
- routers in the same area will have the same link-state info
- identified using a 32-bit area ID, expressed either as a dotted decimal or a decimal
router ospf <process-id></process-id>
- enters router config mode for OSPF
- process-id is only locally significant
- best practice is to use process-id 1, and count up from there if you need more
OSPF router-id
- 32-bit number written like an IP address
- best practice is to hard-code the loopback as the router-id
- must be unique within an AS
- selected once you enter the router ospf command, so best to configure the loopback before running that command
OSPF Router-ID Selection
1) Manually configured using the router-id a.b.c.d command
2) Highest IP of an active loopback interface
3) Highest IP of an active physical interface
OSPF Neighbor Adjacency Requirements
1) Hello/Dead intervals
2) Area ID
3) Authentication
4) Stub Area Flag
5) *MTU; adjacency will form, but DBD won’t negotiate
OSPF Multicast Address (AllSPFRouters) (AllDRRouters)
OSPF Hello Packet Contents
1) Router-id
2) Hello/dead intervals
3) Neighbors
4) Area ID
5) Router priority
6) DR & BDR IP addresses
7) Authentication data
8) Stub Area Flag
OSPF Hello & Dead Intervals
1) Hello intervals specifies frequency to send hello packets; default is 10s
2) Dead intervals is how long to wait for hello before declaring the neighbor dead; default is 4x hello timer, or 40s
OSPF Neighbors
1) lists the adjacent routers with established bidi communication
2) Considered bidi when the router sees itself in the neighbor field of the neighbor’s hello packet
OSPF Router Priority
- 8-bit number that indicates the priority to select the DR and BDR
- a 0 value means the router doesn’t participate in the election
OSPF States
1) Down - no info received on segment
2) Init - interface detected a hello from a neighbor, but bidi not established yet
3) 2-way - bidi to neighbor established; DR/BDR election after this stage, if needed
4) Exstart - routers establish initial sequence number. One router with the higher router ID becomes primary, the other becomes secondary. The primary polls the secondary for info and only the primary can increment the sequence. Neighbors with mismatched MTU get stuck here.
5) Exchange - routers describe their entire LSDB by sending DBDs. Packets may be flooded to other interfaces on the router
6) Loading - finalizing info exchange. Incomplete or outdated info will be put on request list. Updates sent without ACKs get put into a retrasmit list.
7) Full - adjacency is complete and adjacent routers will ahve similar LSDBs
OSPF Packet Types
1) Hello - discovers and maintains neighbors; contains list of known neighbors
2) DBD - contains the LSA headers to help routers build the LSDB; includes all known router IDs and their last seq numbers
3) LSR - used to request more current info if DBD shows newer info; contains type of LSU needed, and router ID that has the needed LSU
4) LSU - contains a list of LSAs that should be updated; often used in flooding; multiple LSA entries can fit in one LSU
5) LSAck - ensures reliable transmission; packet is empty
OSPF Exchange Protocol
1) RoutersA & B exchange DBDs (or Type2 OSPF) packets.
2) RouterA acknowledges receipt of DBD with LSAck
3) If received DBD has more up-to-date link-state info, RouterA sends a LSR to RouterB to request the updated link-state entry
4) RouterB responds with updated entry in LSU packet. RouterA adds the entry to its LSDB
5) RouterA sends an LSAck after getting the LSU
- Database Descriptor
- includes info about the LSA entry header in the LSDB
- each LSA entry header includes info about link-state type, addr of advertising router, cost of the link, and sequence number, which determines the newness of the info
OSPF Packet Fields
1) Version Number - v2 for IPv4, v3 for IPv4 & IPv6
2) Type - differentiates the five OSPF packet types
3) Packet Length - length of packet in bytes
4) Router ID - defines which router is the src of the packet
5) Area ID - defines which area the packet originated
6) Checksum - packet header error detection
7) Authentication Type - either none, clear text, or MD5
8) Authentication
9) Data - each packet type has different data
1) Router
2) Network
3) Summary
4) ASBR Summary
5) Autonomous System
6) Specialized LSA used in multicast OSPF
7) Used in NSSA for external routes
8 & 9) OSPFv3 Link-local addresses and intra-area prefixes
10 & 11) Generic/Opaque LSAs for future use
- Type1
- describe the state of the router links to the area
- only flooded within area
- link-state ID is the originating router ID
OSPF Network LSA
- Type2
- describes the set of routers that are attached to a particular multiaccess network
- flooded in the area that contains the network
- link-state ID is the DR IP
OSPF Summary LSA
- Type3
- an ABR takes info learned in one area, and summarizes it for another area
- not on by default
- link-state ID is the destination network
- Type4
- informs the rest of the OSPF domain how to get to the ASBR
- link-state ID includes the router ID of the described ASBR
OSPF Autonomous System LSA
- Type5
- AS external link advertisements; describes routes to destinations that are external to the AS
- generated by ASBRs
- flooded everywhere except to special areas
- link-state ID is the external network number