Osmundaceae - Thelypteridaceae Flashcards
Royal fern, the leaves grow upright from creeping horizontal stems found along or under the ground and are subdivided into lobed leaflets or may be twice groove.
Young leaves and petioles are covered in fine hairs that are reddish or brown in color.
leaves close, spirally arranged petiole
two rows of knob like aerophores on the expansion, with a single vascular bundle that is u- or v- shaped in cs
lamina and its petiole is above the base
sporangia borne on the enlarged distal parts of the veins, indusium and sterile appendages among the sporangia none bit the young sporangia covered with somewhat reflexed leaf margin
Sporangia leptosporangia (very small stalked sporangia with annuli) organized into round or oblong sori or distributed over the underside of leaf blade
Indusia are absent
Spores are uniform in size, small, golden in color when mature
Sori exindusiate, either marginal with a false indusium formed by a reflexed marginal flap or intramarginal in line along veins
The receptacle generally not raised
Erect to suberect rhizomes
Anastomosing or free venation, absence of catenate hairs at the leaf surface
sori linear, falcate, touching midveins at proximal ends, subparallel to midveins
indusia more or less thick, entire on lateral veinlets, spore with tuberculate folds
petioles each with an omega-shaped vascular strand; blades pinnate and decompound and lacking articulate hairs
veins free; sori terminal on the veins;
indusia pouch- or cup-shaped
floating ferns, mosquito ferns
leaves simple, either in whorls of 3
sori modified as sporocarps, either bearing one megaspore or several microspores
Azolla- indusiate sori on short stalks
Salvinia- spore is located in one of the lacunae (arrowhead)
curly grass ferns
primitive due to large individually produced sporangia with thickened cells known as the annulus around the apex
sporangia usually borne on special leaflets and lack a covering membrane
rhizomes that either form clumps or are creeping
leaves forming polygonal areoles often with included free veinlets
sori commonly round and often covered with indusium
indusia; circular or reniform, attached at the base of asinus
spores are bean-shaped
Marsh fern
presence of small needlelike hairs one the leaves; these hairs sometimes occur in clusters and appear to be branched
sori mostly reniform in shape and have indusia