OSINT - basic definitions Flashcards
What is the definition of OSINT?
OSINT is INFORMATION that has been DISCOVERED, DISCRIMINATED, DISTILLED & DISSEMINATED to a specific audience to address a specific question. It applies the proven principle of intelligence to the broad diversity of all open source information to create intelligence
OSINT-V is information to which you can apply a very high degree of certainty. It can be gathered by an all source intelligence professional with access to classified sources, or from an assured open source to which no questions can be raised regarding it’s validity
What is SOCMINT? Social Media Intelligence
The collective tools and solutions that allow organisations to monitor social channels and conversations, respond to social signals & synthesize social data points into meaningful trends and analysis based on the user’s needs.
What is HUMINT - Human Intelligence
Information gathered from human sources. Includes social engineering, aquisition of photography, documents and other material
What is a web browser?
A web browser is a software application used for retrieving, presenting & traversing information on the world wide web
What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard disk by the web browser at the request of the web server. They contain info that helps the web server recognise you when you visit again. It contains some sort of ID. The actual information stored that is linked to that ID is stored on the server not your computer. usually a server can only access cookies for it’s own domain, but can be hacked.
Privacy & The Law - Name two Human Rights Articles that are relevant
EUROPE: ECHR article 8 - the right to respect for a private and family life.
Can be interfered with in accordance with law where necessary in a democratic society, and in the interest of national security, public health, the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of heath or morals of others and for the protection of the rights or freedoms of others
UNITED NATIONS: The United Declaration of Human Rights - article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home
or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks
What other relevant legislation assists with data stored on worldwide computer systems?
Articles 29 to 34 Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (The Budapest Convention) are relevant in relation to mutual assistant between member states and transborder access to computer data.
Specifically Article 32 which relates to transboredr access to stored computer data with consent or where publically available.
which states that one party may - without the authority of another party,
- access publically available (open source) stored computer data, regardless of where it is stored geographically
- or access or recieve through a computer system in it’s territory, stored computer data relating to a person if that person has given consent (hacker can’t consent cos they do not have lawful access to it)
It basically means that geographical borders do not apply.
Applies to terroritaries that have signed it, e.g. US, Canada.
Russia has not signed this
SOCMINT - some tips
Facebook GUID - search source code for ‘userID’ and note the first result
Instagram GUID - search source code for ‘profilepage_’
Use websites like pikuki.com to search insta without an account
Use websites like iganony.com to view stories anonymously
Use google search ‘insite:’ function
Use Google / bing insite: and use translate.yandex.com/translate select ‘sites’ paste linked in url to see without account
Search insta on ghost emoji
What is data mining
Data mining is the process of discovering patterns or corrolations or relationships within large data sets to extract useful information or insights. It uses techniques from statistics, machine learning and database sytems.