OSI Physical Layer Flashcards
It provides the means to transport across the network media the bits that make up a Data Link layer frame
Physical Layer
The delivery of frames across the local media requires the following physical layer elements
- Physical Media and Connectors
- Reprsentation of Bits on the Media
- Encoding of Data and Control Information
- Transmitter and Receiver circuitry on the network devices
The Purpose of the Physical Layer
- Create the electrical, optical or microwave signals that represents the bits in each frame
- retrieve the individual signals from the media, restore them to their bit representations and pass the bits up to the Data Link Layer as a complete frame
The Three Basic Forms of Network Media on which Data is Represented:
It is a basic form of network media on which data is represented in patterns of electrical pulses
It is a basic form of network media on which data is represented in patterns of light pulses
It is a basic form of network media on which data is represented in patterns of radio transmissions
It is the organization that defines the standards in the TCP/IP suite
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
International Organization for Standardization
International Electronics and Electrical Engineers
American National Standards Institute
International Telecommunication Union
Electronics Industry Alliance
Telecommunications Industry Assoociation
Federal Communication Commission
Canadian Radion and TV Commission
Four Areas that are being standardized by the different Standardizing Organizations for the Physical Layer
- Physical and Electrical properties of the media
- Mechanical Properties of the connectors
- Bit representation by the signals
- Definition of Control Information Signals
Three Fundamental Functions of the Physical Layer
- The Physical Components
- Data Encoding
- Signaling
It is a fundamental function of the Physical Layer that concerns the electronic hardware devices and the media and connectors that transmit and carry signls to represent the bits
The Physical Components
- It is the method of converting a stream of data bits used to provide a predictable pattern that can be recongnized by both the sender and the receiver
- Also identifies the beginning and end of a frame
Data Encoding
It involves the determining how to represent the binary bit on a specific medium
It refers to the specific amount og time to occupy the media
Bit Time
Ways to Represent a Signal on the Medium
- Varying Amplitude
- Varying Frequency
- Varying Phase
Nonreturn to Zero Signaling Method
0 is repressented by one voltage level and 1 is represented with a dfferent voltage level