OSCEs Explanation of a metered dose inhaler and spacer DONE Flashcards


Explain the correct use of a Metered Dose Inhaler

  • Introduce yourself, say why you are there, check it is a good time for the patient
  • Remove the cap and clean the mouthpiece on the inside and outside using an alcohol swab
  • Shake the inhaler well
  • Hold the inhaler upright with your thumb on the base and forefinger on top
  • Breathe out gently
  • Put the mouthpiece in your mouth between your teeth and close your lips firmly around it to form a tight seal
  • You then have to press the canister (the top part here) down and at the same time start breathing in, slowly and deeply, until you cant breath in any further
  • Hold your breath for 10 seconds, or as long as is comfortable
  • (You demonstrate the technique to the patient now)
  • If you need to take a second dose, wait for 30 seconds before you take it.
  • (Get the patient to show you how to do it, to make sure they have understood)
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Explain how you use a spacer with a metered dose inhaler

  • Introduce yourself and explain why you are there - make sure it is a good time for the patient
  • Explain that the spacer will just make using an inhaler easier
  • The spacer comes in two halves - they have to be fitted together first
  • Wipe the mouthpiece with an alcohol swab (if one is available - its not in the book)
  • Shake the inhaler
  • Remove the cap from the inhaler and place it in the back of the spacer
  • Breathe out gently
  • Place the mouthpiece into your mouth beteween your teeth and make sure you make a tight seal around the mouthpiece with your lips
  • Press the canister on top of the inhaler to release a puff of medication
  • Now you can either take one slow, deep breath in and hold your breath for 10 seconds
  • Or if you would find that difficult you can take 5 normal breaths
  • (Find out which the patient feels they can do, and demonstrate that method)
  • Take the spacer out of your mouth and breathe out normally.
  • (Get the patient to show you how to do it, so you know they understand)
  • If you need to take another dose, wait 30 seconds before taking it. You only every put one puff of the inhaler in the spacer at once
  • Once a month, wash the whole spacer in warm soapy water and let it drip dry - this helps prevent medication sticking to the sides.
  • You should get a replacement spacer once a year.
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