OSCE Tests Flashcards
Tests for AC Joint
O’Briens referring into ACJ
Horizontal adduction
Tests for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Wright’s Test
Roos Test
Tests for GHJ Stiffness/Adhesive Capsulitis
Passive physiological movements
Passive accessory movements
Tests for Labral Tears
dynamic labral shear
Tests for GHJ Instability
load and shift
AP/PA glides in supine
relocation/apprehension test
Tests for Rotator cuff muscle/tendon
IR: press belly, hand off back, neutral
ER: neutral, in 90de abduction
empty can: supraspinatus with closing of joint
full can: supraspinatus
drop sign: RC activation
tests for syndesmosis
DF and ER
fibular translation
tests for lateral ankle ligaments
anterior drawer (in DF and PF)
talar tilt
resisted ankle eversion
Tests for tibiofemoral OA
Flexion and extension
- IR tibia and varus force
- ER tibia and valgus force
quads strength
tests for ITB friction syndrome
repeated knee flex/ext
strength of pelvic stabilisers
ober’s test
tests for fat pad irritation
fat pad palpation
Hoffa sign
tests for patella instability
functional: steps, squat, decline squat, hopping, loaded knee extension
tilt and compression
tests for PCL
posterior sag (w/ quads activation)
posterior drawer
reverse lachman’s
tests for meniscus
joint line palpation
tests for knee collateral ligaments
Valgus - mcl
varus - lcl
tests for ACL
anterior drawer
pivot shift
Tests for plantar fascia
windlass manoeuvre - DF, eversion, big toe extension
tests for achilles tendinopathy
calf raise
tests for patella tendinopathy
VMO imbalance
decline squat
loading tests - squat, SL squat, hops
tests for adductor/psoas tendinopathy
palpate pubic ramus
squeeze test
thomas test
tests for gluteal tendinopathy
FADER - compressive
FADER + resisted IR - compressive and tensile
Lesquenes - tensile
Passive hip adduction + resisted abduction (sidelying): compressive + tensile
Tests for FAI
IR in flexion
Quadrant testing
single leg stance control
single leg squat (functional quadrant test)
adductor tone palpation
strength of muscles around hip
tests for hip dysplasia
craig’s test
posterior thigh thrust (posterior instability)
thomas test (anterior instability)
ABHEER (anterior instability)
IR>ER in stance
sway back posture
hip flexion ROM in supine
muscle strength around hip
adductor length
beighton score for flexibility
tests for ligamentum teres
full flexion, ease off 30
full abd, ease off 30
roll IR and ER and assess for symptoms
tests for hip OA
flexion <110
IR <50
FABER provocative
tests for NOF stress fracture
tests for pubic bone stress response
adductor squeeze
palpate pubic ramus
palpate adductor tendon
poor glute max and lateral hip function
tests for VBI
5Ds, 3Ns, A
sustained rotation for 10sec each side
tests for cervical ligaments
sharp purser forehead push
anterior shear flick up
alar ligament rotate
tectorial membrane pull
tests for jaw pain
palpate TMJ for translation
cervical manip steps
- find stiff segment with PROM rotate
- turn head and slide thrusting knuckle and provide upwards force
- bring head back to neutral
- walk around for neutral wrist
- cradle jaw
- rotate away
- ipsilateral side bend
- some slight rotation more
- carry up into extension
pistol grip manip steps
- find a stiff segment
- pt in supine hugging themselves
- roll them towards you and place pistol
- lower patient back
- compress over patients crossed arms and rock into flex/ext to make them neutral
- deep breath in, sink in
- deep breath and manip
screw manip steps
- find stiff segment
- pt in prone
- find end position and then set hands in position to work back towards that
- deep breath, wind up
- deep breath, thrust from pecs
lumbar manip steps
- find stiff segment
- pt sidelying with top leg bent
- bring shoulder forward (get them to hold onto your arm)
- get them to drop top leg off
- wind up
- deep breath, wind up
- deep breath, follow in, manip
tests for SIJ
- distraction
- thigh thrust
- compression
- sacral thrust
- gaenslens
- stork test
- active SLR
sciatic nerve test
hip flexion (bitta adduction), knee extension, DF
tibial nerve test
hip flexion, knee extension , DF, foot eversion, big toe ext
peroneal nerve test
hip flexion, knee ext, PF, inversion
tests for lateral epicondylalgia
resisted wrist extension
resisted 3rd MCP extension
grip test
cervical spine examination
radial nerve test
ensure to face towards patients feet
abduct shoulder 30deg
flex elbow
pronate forearm
make fist and flex it
extend elbow
median nerve test
abduct shoulder 30deg (stabilise shoulder)
supinate forearm
extend wrist and fingers
ER shoulder
extend elbow
ulnar nerve test
abduct shoulder 30deg (stabilise shoulder)
wrist and finger extension
forearm pronation
ER shoulder
use hips to bring shoulder into further abduction
medial elbow tests
valgus test
posterior elbow impingement tests
extension w/ OP
palpation of olecranon bursa
tests for triceps tendinopathy
elbow extension from shoulder flexed + elbow flexed position (supine skull crusher position)
tests for scaphoid #
palpate snuffbox
tests for scapholunate instability
watson’s test
tests for TFCC injury
extension w/ ulnar deviation
TFCC compression
ulna fovea palpation
tests for carpal tunnel
tinel’s sign
tests for Dequervain’s
finkelstein test
Shoulder impingement tests
Hawkins Kennedy
Empty can pain without full can pain
Tests for navicular stress #
Tender on palpation
Flatter feet
Pain with hopping
Navicular rotated more medially