OSCE for all joints and upper respiratory Flashcards
Log roll
+ pain
indicates central or peripheral pathology
+patient makes a C just above the trochanter when you ask them where it hurts
indicates labral pathology (central)
Labral loading
+ pain when loading force added
indicates labral or cartilaginous pathology (central)
Labral distraction
+ pain gone when distracting force added
indicates labral or carilaginous pathology (central)
+ pain
indicates labral or articular cartilage pathology (central)
Apprehension FABER (1)
+pain apprehension
indicates labral pathology or impingement
Ely’s Test
+ipsilateral hip raises off table
indicates rectus femoris contracture (peripheral)
rectus femoris test
+knee flexion >90 degrees
indicates rectus femoris contracture (peripheral)
jump sign
+pain “jumping”
indicates trochanteric bursitis (lateral)
straight leg test
+pain past 15 degrees hip flexion
indicates IT band contracture
(pain less than 15 indicates lumbar disc etiology)
Ober’s test
+patient unable to adduct or has ratcheting while adducting hip
indicates IT band contracture (lateral)
piriformis test
+pain over posterior aspect of greater trochanter
indicates piriformis pathology (lateral)
+inability to hold hips level
indicates gluteus medius weakness or superior gluteal nerve injury in leg you’re standing on (lateral)
Patricks FABER 2
indicates gluteus medius pathology (lateral)
Patricks FABER 3
+groin pain/weakness
indicates iliopsoas insufficiency (anterior)
psoas test
indicates psoas contracture (anterior)
thomas test
+opposite leg raises off table, inability to fully extend
indicates hip flexor contracture (anterior)
Anterior drawer test (knee)
+anterior glide/laxity
ACL tear
Lachmans test
+anterior glide/laxity
ACL tear
posterior drawer/reverse lachman
+posterior glide/laxity
PCL tear
medial or lateral meniscus tear
Apleys grind test
+pain when compression force added
meniscus injury, collateral ligament injury, or both
Apleys Grind distraction test
+pain with distraction/rotation
collateral ligament damage
Patellar laxity/apprehension
+sense of apprehension/instability
previous patellar dislocation/instability
Patellar compression (grind) test
+pain with compression
inflammation, chondromalacia, injury to patellofemoral articular surfaces
Patellar femoral grinding
+pain or crepitus
roughness of articulating surfaces like in chondromalacia
patellar glide test
+crepitus, pain, catching
damage to articular surface
Anterior drawer test (ankle)
+pain, no springing, laxity
+ATF ligament tear (lateral ankle sprain)
Talar tilt (inversion)
+laxity, increased ROM
Calcaneofibular ligament pathology (lateral ankle sprain)
eversion test
+laxity, pain
deltoid ligament pathology (medial ankle sprain
squeeze test
high ankle sprain
cross leg test
high ankle sprain
thompson test
+absence of plantar flexion
achilles tendon rupture
Homans sign
+pain with dorsal flexion