OSCE - Anatomy Flashcards
Name the aspect of the heart supplied by the following blood vessels:
- Right marginal artery
- Left circumflex artery
- Left marginal artery
What are the descending pathways and ascending pathways in the spinal cord?
What is contained within the grey matter of the spinal cord?
Cell bodies
Unmyelinated neurones
What is the blood supply to the spinal cord?
- ONE anterior spinal artery - originate from vertebral arteries, supplies anterior 2/3 of the spinal cord
- TWO posterior spinal arteries - originates from posterior cerebellar arteries
- RADICULAR arteries - from vertebral, ascending cervical, intercostal and lumbar arteries.
What happens if there is cessation of blood flow in the anterior spinal artery?
Paralysis below the level of the lesion
Loss of pain temperature sesation at and below the level of the lesion.
Light touch and proprioception remain in tact
What clinical signs follow hemisection of the spinal cord?
Ipsilateral loss of light touch, proprioception and motor function below lesion.
Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation usually 2-3 levels below the lesion.
At what vertebral level does the trachea commence?
What structures lie anterior and posterior to the trachea where it starts?
Anterior - skin, subcutaneous tissue, strap muscles, isthmus of the thyroid, thyroid artery
Posterior - oesophagus, recurrent laryngeal nerve (groove between oesophagus and trachea.
Where is surgical tracheostomy inserted?
2nd and 4th tracheal rings
At what level does the trachea bifurcate?
What is the nerve to the trachea?
Anterior and posterior pulmonary plexuses
Branch of the vagus and sympathetic nerves
What are the differences between right and left main bronchi?
SHORTER (2.5cm vs 5cm)
How many segmental bronchi are there?
3 upper lobe
2 middle lobe
5 lower lobe
How many lobes and fissures present in each lung?
Each lung has an oblique fissure, but the right lung has a transverse fissure also.
Therefore three lobes right lung, two lobes left lung.
Describe the basic histology of the trachea to the terminal bronchioles.
Trachea –> 10 generations of bronchi have descending cartilaginous support, and surrounded by smooth muscle and elastic fibres. They have GOBLET CELLS which produce mucus - lined with ciliated columnar epithelial cells.
Next FIVE generations - no cartilage or goblet cells, but still have elastic tissue and smooth muscle fibres. They lined with ciliated cuboidal epithelium
The alveolar walls consist of simple squamous epithelium. Also the tissues surrounding the alveoli contain elastic fibres which allow the alveoli to expand during inspiration and recoil during expiration.
Describe the alveoli in the lung.
Approximately 300 million alveoli are in the lungs.
The average diameter of the alveoli is approximately 250um and their walls are extremely thin.
There are two types of cells in the alveoli: type I pneumocytes which are thin squamous epithelial cells that forms 90% of the alveoli surface. Most of the gas exchange take place between these cells.
Type II pneumocytes are round secretory that produce surfactant, which makes it easier for the alveoli to expand during inspiration