OSCE Flashcards
What are mnemonics for difficult direct laryngoscopy?
Look externally (gestalt)
Evalute 3-3-2
Mallampati = PUSH
Neck mobility
Space (access to patient)/Skill
What is the mnemonic for difficult bag mask ventilation?
Radiation/Restriction (eg stiff lungs, COPD, cancer px)
Mask seal/Male/Mallampati = male
No teeth = put an OS or gauze in part with the leak
What is the mnemonic for difficult extraglottic device?
RODS (for difficult airway alternatives)
Restriction (ie mouth opening, stiff lungs)
Distorted Anatomy
Short thyromental distance
What is the mnemonic for difficult cricothyroidoctomy?
What should be evaluated in a px for inadequate ventilation due to poor inspiratory effect?
Chest walll movement
Respiratory rate
Pattern and depth of breathing
Use of accessory muscles
Abnormal sounds
Signs of injury
What is the diff betw partial airway and complete airway obstruction?
Partial obstruction = snoring, gurgling sounds
Complete osbutrction = accessory muscles, cyanosis, respiratory arrest
What are facial features to note in evaluationg anatomic airwya?
Small mouth
Facial hair/beard
High-arched palate = down syndrome
Short/long neck
Receeding chin
Protruding/buck teeth
What are the diff airway maneuvers?
Head tilt chin lift = if cervical spine injury is not a concern
Jaw thrust = if cervical spine injury is of concern
What are the diff basic airway adjuncts?
Oropharyngeal airway (OPA)
Nasophatyngeal airway
What do airway adjuncts do not do?
Pass the larynx
Protect the trachea from aspiration of secretions
Substitute for definitive airway
What are oropharyngeal airway adjuncts?
Curved, firm, hollow tube with a rectangular apertue
Used to maintain a conduit betw mouth and glottis to prevent obstriction by the px’s tongue and other soft tissue
What are indications of OPA?
Complete/partial obstruction of upper airway
Bite block in unconscious or intubated px
Adjunct for Oropharyngeal suctioning
What are C/Is for OPA?
Use with caution on awake, responsive px
Do not use on px with intact gag reflex
Should not be used in px with oral trauma
What are complications of OPA?
Soft tissue trauma
Exacerbation of airway obstruction
What are indications of nasopaharyngeal airway (NPA)?
Awake/semi-comatose px
Clenched teeth
Unable to lcoate OPA
Inadequate airway patency
What are C/Is for NPA?
Responsive px
Suspected fracture to the base of the skull or midface
What are the indications of bag mask ventilation?
Absent or inadequate spontaneou ventilation
Preliminary pre-oxygenation when intubation is planned
Short-term oxygenation when ventilation is temporarily compromised
What are the 3 critical errors in ventilation?
Excessive tidal volumes
Forcing air too quickly
Ventilating too rapidly
What are the adult ventilation rates?
Respiratory rate = 10-20/min
BLS/ACLS CPR Ratio compression: ventilation = 30:2 (2 breaths after every 30 chest compressions)
ACLS/CPR with advanced airway = 8-10/min (1 respiration every 6-8 secs, asynch with chest compression)
Respiratory Arrest = 10-12/min (1 respiration every 5-6 secs)
What rapid sequence induction and intubation is done with application of backward or downward pressure on the cricoid cartilage to occlude the esophagus?
Sellick’s maneuver/Cricoid pressure
= used to prevent aspiration of gastric events
What is the measurement of the bandage in the arms and legs?
3in = small limbs of children
4in = arms, forearm
6in = legs, thighs
What are indications of circular cast?
Fracture of distal femur
Fracture of proximia tibia
Fracture of tibial shaft
Goals: stabilize distal upper leg & lower leg
WHAT ARE THE diff methods of bandaging?
Circular bandage
Spiral bandage
Reverse spiral bandage
Figure of eight
RECURRENT bandage = stump or head injury, fingers & hand also
Ankle bandage
Where do u do figures of eight?
- knees, ankle, elbow and wrists
What should be observed in the px during orthoepdia exam?
What is the order of sequence of orthopedia exam?
Passive movement
Active movement
What device is used to measure angles?
Stationary arm = align with proximal line of reference point
Moving arm = place along moving arm in line with long bone
What are the important dermatomes of the upper ex?
C4 = deltoid/shoulder
C5 = biceps/flexion of elbow
C6 = wrist extensors
C7 = triceps/elbow extension
C8 = wrist flexors
T1 = finger abducction
What are the important dermatomes of the lower ex?
L2 = hip flexion
L3 = knee extension
L4 = ankle dorsiflexion
L5 = great toe extension
S1 = ankle plantarflexion
What are the diff neurological and vascular assessment?
Pulse and capillaryrefill time
Muscle tone