Osborne W/B - things I got wrong, wasn't sure of Flashcards
When an accountant is advising a client where is greatest duty of care?
HMRC, Client, public interest
‘equity’ meaning
are premium bond prizes exempt from tax
What about legal fees relating to property?
Relating to purchase of property? Not allowable (NB. Q relates to Income tax not CGt)
Relating to tenancy agreement?
Is Council tax between tenancies allowable expense?
as is insurance
age for cash isa 16 or 18?
18 for S&S ISA
16 for premium bonds (don’t think mentioned in PTAX)
Prob 16 ‘coz no risk to capital (except inflation erosion!)
Working out accommodation
Annual value
add on any ‘expensive accom’ bit (excess £75K*2.25%)
deduct anything paid
time apportion
working out loan benefit
- Take owed at BOY + EOY / 2
- Multiply by fraction of year (ie months ANY amt owing)
- Multiply by 2.25% (adj %age if paying something)
tell about pension contribs handling
ignore employer contribs
- employee contribs to company scheme:
- Lower taxable salary by net amount - employee contribution to Personal pension
- Gross up contrib and extend basic rate band
list price i know… but what if there was a ‘discount’
ignore…. just another way of giving ‘cost’ price and list price!!!
use LIST price
CGT on gift to friend - what ‘proceeds’ to use?
actual, deemed @ mv, no gain or loss
Deemed @ mv
Because its a GIFT it’s ALWAYS ‘deemed’ @ mv
whether friend or connected person
Calculating BIK for a flat provided annual value 5k, purchased 130K , worth 200K when first occupied by employee..
5k plus
Use the value when first occupied by the employee NOT the purchase price to calculate the extra charge (x2.25%)
Calculating Class 1 NICs for employee
i got the bit between 9,500 - 50,000 right
but then I did total salary minus that part to get the upper band amount which is wrong.
The upper band is the amount of salary above 50K … if do the way I did you end up with an extra 9,500 @ 2%
If unsure draw a line for the tatal salary and section it at 9,500 and 50,000 to be clear about how to get right amount in each band.
OR Do the calc like you would incme tax.. show the 9.5K @ 0% and work up (using gross salary) … then check the total equals the total salary (no NIC on BIK)
Income tax computation.
What to remember about altering the band due to Gift aid/ PP pmts?
Remember the Savings and Div allowance ‘use’ up the bad … when working out amounts need to carefully work out where the band falls..
… several times I get it wrong by miscalculating how much band has been used due to not including allowaance
enhancement to car partway through year
just add to the list price (if the amount is over the threshold) … do not apportion
p3 t5
use of property allowance £1K where the property was used personally for some of the year?
seems to be allowed…